Sleeping With the Enemy

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I got up and got ready for work the next day. Jenni decided that she wasn't going to come in today crazy cause I wasn't going to let them stop me from making my money. I drove to work because I had a hair appointment after. "Pops!" I smiled hugging him. "Zola. How are you doing?" he wrapped me in his arms. "I'm great," I said. "That's good. I got you new work shirts." He handed them to me. "Thank you." I smiled before going to change into one of them. When I came back the couple was here. Sam had on sunglasses so you didn't see the black eye I gave her. You can see that her mouth was swollen. I ignored her the whole shift.

"Hey, can I talk to you outside?" Ron came up to me. "Sure." I nodded. "I'm sorry about last night. You're right I shouldn't have pushed Vinny." he apologized. "I don't think you should be apologizing to me about that. You should apologize to him. I am sorry that I punched you. I showed the side of myself that I fought so hard to change last night." I said. "It's okay. I deserved it. I really value our friendship. You always kept it real with us." he chuckled. "You got a bruise on your cheek," I said with a frown.

{Zola: I should've kept whatever problems Sam and I have between us. Yes, she goes with Ron but he has nothing to do with it. Will I ever be able to be friends with the girl ever again? Probably. Probably not. Right now she is not good for my mental. So I'm going to avoid talking to her until I'm back at peace with myself again.}

"Imma keep it real with you Ron. We can be cool again but don't try to force any friendship between Sam and I. There was too much built-up shit between us. So for the sake of my mental don't come to me about any problems that you two are having." I said.

{Zola: I do regret everything that happened because I'm a better person than that. *wiping her tears away* I hate doing stuff like that out of anger and frustration.}

"Yea it wasn't fair for us to come to you with our problems. You have been dealing with a lot. I'm sorry about that also." he said. "It's okay. You live and learn in life." I shrugged. We walked back inside the building. "You two want a ride home since it raining?" I asked them. Sam nodded with Ron. I dropped them off and went to my hair appointment. I cut all my hair off and cried when I saw it. "It's okay Zola. You needed this change." I told myself in the car. I went back to the house and saw everyone sitting in the living room.

"Oh shit! She cut all her hair off!" Vinny gasped making me cry again. "Look at what you did Vinny." Pauly fussed, "Don't worry babe we love it." I giggled at them. "I want to apologize for how I acted last night. That is not the Zola I worked so hard to change. I did not want things to go as far as they did but it happened and I regret it. I don't want you all to accept my apology because you feel bad for me, but only if you feel in your hearts that I am truly sorry." I said making them all look at me, "So I'll be outside praying and meditating."

{Zola: It felt good to tell them that.}

"Can we join? I think we can all use it after last night." Pauly asked. "I don't want to join." Sam and Angelina said getting up and leaving. "That's fine." I nodded. We went outside and I got on my knees. "You sure you want to do this in front of everyone." Pauly joked making me slap his calf, "I'm just joking. Maybe." We all laughed before they followed me. We connected hands.

"Heavenly Father, I come to before you and I ask that you would forgive me of all my sins. I know that I have sinned against you, and you alone; I am truly sorry and I humbly repent. Thank you for your forgiveness and for dying on the cross so that I may be forgiven. Right now, I lift up my friends, family, people from my past, people I'm not on good terms with, people that will be apart of my future, and everyone that I don't know to you. Lord, they need a healing touch over their body. I pray that you would heal their mind, their hearts, their souls, their mental, and peace in the Holy name of Jesus. It is by your stripes we are healed. I thank you in advance for the healing and recovery that is going to take place. Thank you for being the ultimate healer and restorer over our physical bodies. It is only through Jesus Christ name that we are healed. In Jesus name, we pray." I said. "Amen." we all said together.

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