Just Another Day At The Shore

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I was awoken to someone pounding on the door. I got up and went opened it and saw a lady with her family there.

"Hello. I'm Ronnie's mom." she smiled.

"Hi. I'm Zola. One of his roommates. Come in." I opened the door wider, "Sorry about the mess in here. We had a fight in here last night."

I went upstairs to let Ron know that his mother was there. I went to brush my teeth before going outside to write a song.

I can hear your laugh
It's ringing through the hallways
I can see your smile
It's what gets me through my hard days
And your words was supposed to get me through my heartache, before my heartbreak
There's an emptiness that only few ever feel
And I somehow missed the meaning of love that is real
And it compliments my scars that will never heal

I heard people join me outside when I was halfway through. I looked up and saw it was Ron with his family.

"How is your foot feeling?" he asked kissing my head like he always does.

"It's a little sore but nothing I can handle." I smiled.

"What happened to your foot?" his brother asked me.

"I got into a fight last night and cut up my foot," I said with a small smile.

"You got into almost three fights last night." Ron snorted making me laugh.

"Would've been four if I hadn't left yesterday morning when I did," I said.

I saw my Snicker come out of the house to come and greet Ron's family.

"Hi, Snicks. How are you feeling?" I asked getting up to embrace her.

"My mouth hurts," she said wrapping herself in my arms.

"A man decided to hit Nichole yesterday," Ron explained to his parents.

"What? Do we need to go back to that bar?" his mother asked making me smile.

"No, because Zola here did the job for all of us," Jenni said making me blush with embarrassment.

"Jen," I whined letting Snooki go so she can go back to her room like she wants to.

"It was all Mike's fault. He kept buying them drink after drink and then he watched her get hit. He didn't do anything." Ron said feeling guilty like me.

"I feel even worst because I was right there and I felt like I could've done something to make the situation better." I sighed making Vinny grab my hand.

"You did do something. You beat the living crap out of him and Mike. You did the right thing whether you like to believe it or not." Vinny said making Pauly nod.

"This girl here is crazy. She fought the guy that punched Snickers and when she got home, she fought Mike too." Jenni laughed making his mother smile at me.

"Yes, girl. Show them not to mess with you or anyone you love. Your mother must have raised you right." she smiled making everyone look guilty.

"Mom," Ron warned.

"No, it's okay. She doesn't know that my mother wasn't in my life." I shrugged it off.

She looked at me guiltily and I shook my head letting her know it wasn't her fault.

"I can't blame anyone for her not being in my life. After I was born my mother left me with my father and left. She decided to choose drugs over me. I was not born like normal babies. I was premature and was suffering from withdraw myself from her doing so many drugs while pregnant with me. So I had to stay in the hospital for a long time." I explained to her making her get up to hug me.

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