A New Family

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"Are you going to be okay down there?" dad asked.

"Yea dad. If anything happens, I'll come straight home. I promise dad." I kissed his cheek.

I told the rest of my huge family goodbye before I started my journey to the shore.

{Zola: My name is Zola Alessandrini. I'm just your normal laidback girl. I have a really bubbly and carefree person. I don't care what people think or say about me. I'm also very silly and goofy.}

After about five hours in the car, I finally made it to the house. I walked around to see if anyone was here yet or any of the rooms was claimed. When I noticed no one was here I got excited. I picked the only bed by itself. I carried my bags to the room.

I tried to wait for someone but I got tired and laid down for a nap.

When I got up, I went into the living room and saw a lot of people in there. I smiled tiredly and waved at them.

"Hi." they waved.

"Hi. I'm Zola. Most people call me Zo or Lala. Anyone you want is fine with me." I smiled sitting on the beanbag chair.

"Can I call you Zolabear?" a guy and two girls asked at the same time.

"Sure as long as I know your name." I giggled.

"I'm Pauly D, but you can just call me Pauly." one of the cuter guys said getting up and kissing me on my cheek.

"You are cute and nice to meet you." I smiled at him the others started hollering.

"I'm Snookie." the shortest girl smiled, "I stopped them from waking you up earlier."

"Nice to meet you Snooki. You didn't have to but thank you." I hugged her.

{Zola: I have a really good feeling that Snooki and I will be good friends.}

"I'm JWoww." the tallest girl smiled.

"Nice to meet you too." I smiled shaking her hand.

"I'm Vinny. Maybe you'll be your husband one day." the whitest one in here smirked.

"Maybe who knows." I shrugged.

"Ronnie." the biggest guy said.

"I'm Sammie." the super skinny girl said.



"Nice to meet you all." I smiled.

I have a feeling that this summer is going to be eventful. I feel it in my soul.

{Pauly D: Zola is hot. I would total love to get to know her better.}

{Angelina: This girl has a lot of tattoos. Who the hells tats their face? *laughs* That look dumb.}

"Are we going out tonight?" I asked wanting to pull off this wig, "I need to know cause this wig is aggravating me."

Pauly wanted to be funny and take it off.

{Ronnie: *laughing hard* He really stole her wig. That was messed up, but it was funny.}

"Don't mess up the wig. That one was almost $1,000." I warned pulling the cap off my head and letting my real hair show.

I have long pretty hair I just don't feel like doing it.

"Do you have one for me?" he asked putting it on.

"You want a colorful one, short, medium, long, extra long, curly, straight, bouncy, extra volume, etc?" I asked getting up.

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