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I rolled over and stretched my joints out. I grabbed my belly in pain.

"Come on boo. You're hurting me." I whined rubbing the hard spot.

Pauly walked by and looked worried at my pained expression.

"Are you okay?" he asked opening the refrigerator.

"The baby's balled up and it hurt like hell," I grumbled making him smirk.

"She just missed Uncle Pauly." he clapped walking over.

"You wish. He misses me." Snooki said walking into the room.

"It's she, Snooks," Mike said walking in.

"Nope, it's a boy, and don't you forget it," Vin said.

"I'm with Snook and Vin on this one," Ronnie said.

{Zola: I can't with them. *giggling* I love them.}

"Watch. You going to see that we're right and you're going to come back with an apology." Mike said making me laugh.

"Why are you on an air mattress?" Jenni asked sitting next to me.

"It was comfortable and I don't have to crawl over people to go pee in the middle of the night." I shrugged holding my head.

"Are you okay?" Vinny asked placing his hand on my leg.

"I have a headache." I sighed.

I looked up at the calendar hanging on the wall and I smiled.

"Hey, Ronnie can you bring me to my appointment today?" I asked him as he rubbed my head.

"Yeah sure. What time is it for?" he asked.

"3:30," I said.

"Okay." he nodded.

"Why are you taking Ron with you?" Sam asked walking over.

"Cause I want him to take me." I rolled my eyes.

"Plus I don't mind. I get to see the baby." he high-fived me.

"Lucky." Pauly pout, "Can I tag along?"

"I don't care." I shrugged.

"All the boys are coming!" Mike yelled as they all got up to get dressed.

I giggled at them and got up to go get ready also. I went into Ronnie's room and went found myself a shirt from his drawer. I went and found a cute pair of shoes to match the plain shirt and I went to the bathroom to handle my morning breath. I fixed my hair and then washed my face after.

"She stealing!" Ronnie yelled once he noticed his shirt.

"She stealin'!" Pauly yelled hopping around.

"I'm just borrowing." I winked making us laugh.

{Sammie: This girl is trying me. Flirting with Ron right in front of me. Like, have you lost your mind?}

{Zola: Sammie keeps side-eyeing me. I hope she knows I don't want Ronnie. Stop being so insecure then maybe your man wouldn't be creeping around behind your back.}

"Everybody ready?" Ronnie asked grabbing the keys.

"Yup," I said snapping my fanny pack across me.

We went got in the car and I got in the front because I was not about to be in the back. I put the directions in the GPS and we were on our way.

"Do you know what you're having?" Mike asked.

"No," I said leaning the seat back a little.

"Well, you suck." he pouts.

"I just made 20 weeks two days ago." I rolled my eyes.

"How many months is that?" he asked.

"Four and little more than half," I said closing my eyes.

"Look at her all smart and stuff," he said making me groan.

"Please don't ask me any more questions. I'm going to ignore you if you do." I said peaking at him.

The other boys laughed and Mike's face blushed from embarrassment. We got there in twenty minutes and I got out of the car before walking into the building.

"I'm excited," Pauly said.

"Me too and I don't know why." Ronnie chuckled.

They called us back and the boys went crazy when they saw the baby on the screen. I laughed at Mike and Pauly teasing the other two about being right about the baby's gender.

"She's so small." Ronnie gushed.

"Aww. I'm tearing up." Mike said wiping his eyes.

"Crybaby." I fake coughed.

We laughed and the nurse frowned turning to me.

"The baby's heart rate is low. The doctor will be in very soon to explain it all to you so don't panic everything will be okay," he said grabbing my hand.

"I'm used to this by now," I told him making him look at me sadly, "I'm going to have to spend the night in the hospital so they can keep an eye on her heart rate."

"Well at least we don't have to make you worry anymore but I'm sorry that you went through this before." he frowned.

"It's okay. It happened two times before but I didn't see it as sadness I couldn't them as blessings in disguise." I smiled.

"You are so strong." he smiled before leaving out.

"That's how you can miscarry?" Mike asked.

"You have many ways you can miscarry a baby. Stressing, lack of nutrients, lack of sleep, taking the wrong medications, overworking the body, and much more." I turned to him.

Ronnie was crying while looking at the picture the nurse gave them.

"So you have a high chance of losing her?" he asked.

I teared up and looked at the ground.

"There is a 50/50 chance. That's why I never wanted to find out the gender. I only wanted to know if they were okay and will they survive." I sniffed, "Sorry to ruin the mood around here."

"It's fine. I can see why you aren't too happy about being pregnant." Vin said as his eyes teared up as well.

"I don't want to sit here and get too attached only to maybe have them taken away from me," I whispered rubbing my belly, "I don't want to go down that dark road again."

The doctor came in and let me know all the things I knew already.

"We'll come back later to check up on you and the baby," Pauly said kissing my temple.

"Okay, and can you bring me snacks." I smiled.

The boys chuckled before nodding. I turned on the TV and smiled at Bad Girl Club that was on.

{Zola: What can I say? I like that show but I would not be on it because people would not survive that show with me only because I hate people that start drama and that's all that show is. But then again I'm on one like that too.}

"Can I get you anything?" my nurse Amber asked.

"Can I get some juice and water?" I smiled.

"I'll be right back with it." she nodded before leaving.

I used the phone to call my parents to give them an update on me.

"Again?" mommy sighed.

"Yes, ma'am." I sighed also.

"We'll be down there in four days." daddy said.

"Okay," I said tearing up.

{Zola: I didn't want to tell the boys but I'm already attached to this little girl. I got up every day spending an extra thirty minutes in the bathroom just to look at my belly before getting in and out of the shower. I am scared shitless. *sobbing*}

"I know hun. It's always scary but we will be there before you know it." mommy cried.

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