Deja Vu All Over Again

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"Why did you kick me last night?" Mike asked me as soon as I walked into the room. "Why did you try to pull me off the table against my will?" I asked him. "Everyone was getting ready to leave so I didn't want you to be left behind." he lied. "Cut the bullshit, Mike. You wanted to leave because Ramona turned you down. You were mad and wanted to leave because everyone was having a good time. I simply let you know that I was going to meet you all back here because I wasn't ready to leave. I was having fun with my friends." I said.

"You don't even know them. How are they your friends?" he yelled. "They are better friends than you can ever be." I laughed. "They are using you. Don't come crying to us when you realize it for yourself." "Using me how? They have their own money and they are very successful." I looked at him like he was stupid. "Keep your hands to yourself. Don't touch her and she won't kick you." Pauly told him. I went and fixed myself something to eat ignoring everyone at this point.

{Zola: You don't even get a "Hi good morning. How are you doing? Did you eat yet? You still have a slob on your face. Your eyelash extensions are coming off." Just straight bullshit. Can I please get some tea or coffee first? Maybe a little toast or something. Some water and a cracker. Something you know?}

"Hey. I think I want to go apologize to Sammie about the letter." Snooki said. "For what? The fucking girl still's not going to fuck with you, Nicole. She's going to hold that chip on her shoulder for a while." I looked over at the small girl. "You know what Zola fuck you because you've been being a bitch to me since last week. I don't fucking appreciate it." she glared. "Excuse me? I've been being a bitch?" I snorted, "You haven't said two words to me since I told Angelina that she should do what's best for her." "Why should I when you were picking sides?" "Nicole. Leave me alone and get out of my space." I rolled my eyes ignoring her.

"Fuck you! You have been a really shitty friend and you don't deserve my friendship." she spat. "Nicole choice your next few words wisely because I will make them come true," I warned her as everyone came closer. "Calm down you two. You are sisters. You can get over this." Vinny said. "Depending on the words that come out of her mouth next might determine it," I said glancing over in his direction. "You don't have to worry about it because we can go back to not being friends at all! You don't give a fuck about me! You don't care about what I think! You don't care about my feelings! You changed since you came into this house and you're not the same Zola I once knew." she screamed shoving me out of anger.

"You know what Nicole? I have changed. Excuse me for not wanting to feed into all the bullshit that's been going on around here. Sorry for minding my own business. Sorry for trying to become a better person for not only me but those around me. As of today and forever I will never give a fuck about you, what you think, or your feelings. Yes, I have changed drastically but you wouldn't understand what I'm under. I don't think you have lost a child or children. I don't think everyone comes to you about their problems other than Sam and Jenni. Do you know what it's like having everyone come to you about their earthquake while your whole world is crumbling? I don't fucking think so but shit I have been a shitty friend to you. I'm a shitty friend for being the fucking realest person besides your parents to you. So in all actuality fuck you!" I went off.

{Zola: Get the fuck out of here! I haven't been a real friend to her?! I would beat a bitch up for her with no hesitation. I would give her my last dime if she needed it. I would literally give this bitch the shirt off my back when she needs it! Give her my home if she got too tough for her! Fuck everything and everyone!}

{Nicole: Zola acts like she's the only one who goes through things. *rolling her eyes* We all go through shit but when you have been a shitty friend you have been a shitty! Fuck her!}

I went into my room and found everything that she had gifted me. I threw that shit into the living room. "Zola. Calm down. Don't throw out everything she gave you." Ron said. "Fuck that Ronnie! I don't want that shit from a person who said fuck me for no valid reason!" I yelled pissed. My eyes started tearing up and I got angrier by the minute. Nicole started crying picking up some of the items. "Really Zola? You had to do this?" she cried.

{Nicole: She really started throwing out everything I got for her. *sobbing* Like what did I do to her for her to do this to me?}

{Jenni: Shit just got real. I didn't want this to happen between these two of all people. *tears started to fall* They were the best of friends. Sisters. It was so crazy to watch because they both took it too far. Nicole had no real reason to be mad at Zola but Zola didn't have to hit below the belt and throw the gifts the girl got for her out of her room.}

{Mike: I never thought that I would see something like this happen between these two of all people. Zola kicked my ass for Nicole.}

{Vinny: I don't know if they will be able to come back from this. This was some crazy shit that happened. Nicole is mad at Zola for being Zola. Zola reached her breaking point and basically said fuck you. I really don't see this as something they can let go of and forget as easily.}

I started packing my bags and called a cab. "Zola, what you doing?" Mike asked. "I'm leaving. I'm done. You guys have won. You drained me. Enjoy the rest of your summer." I sighed tiredly. "Leaving. Wait." Pauly said. "Was it really that serious?" Jenni asked. I ignored her and went to the bathroom packing the last of my things. The phone rang and I answered it. "Your cab is outside." the lady said. "Thank you so much. Have a nice night." I hung up. I went grabbed all my bags and walked them to the car. "I have one more to go grab," I told the driver. "I'll be here." he nodded. I went back and grabbed the final bag before disappearing into the night.

{Vinny: I didn't even get to tell her bye. *tears in his eyes with the saddest look on his face* But I know she did what's best for her. Just wished she would've stayed.}

{Ron: I always felt like she was going to leave. My gut was telling me but my heart didn't want to accept it.}

{Pauly: I really sad that she left me here. I would've gone with her. No doubt in my mind. If leaving made her happy I would have gone with her. I didn't get to see her off. I didn't get to talk her down from the ledge she was on. I didn't get to hug her one last time. I didn't get to kiss her one last time. I didn't get to smell her scent. I didn't get to cuddle her. I didn't get to try to make her happy before she left. I feel horrible because she left on a bad note and I didn't even get to help her a little bit. My girlfriend was suffering and I didn't help her. I hope she could forgive me. I feel like the worst boyfriend ever. This really hurts. I'm not gon lie.}

{Zola: I feel bad about the way I left. I didn't even glance in Pauly's direction. I just dipped and didn't give him time to process what was going on. I have to be the worst girlfriend ever in history. I feel more like shit because of that rather than fussing a Snickers. I didn't hug him one last time. I didn't kiss him bye. I just upped and left with no explanation. Basically telling him to suck it up and deal with it. I really hope he could forgive me. *wiping the tears that escaped her eyes*}

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