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You woke to the loud clattering of pots and pans coming from your kitchen. You rubbed your eyes and yawned, remembering that Jean had decided to spend the night. You sat up slowly, throwing your comforter off of you. Jean loved making breakfast for you whenever he stayed over. A small token of appreciation, he says. You cringed as you remembered the last time he made you breakfast.

He handed you a plate of burnt toast, at least you thought it was toast. Whatever it was, it was too charred to identify. You looked at it and raised your brow, "Umm -" "It's an omelette." He clarified, crossing his arms with his nose in the air. He breathed in an air of confidence, waiting for you to try it. You were hesitant, you had an important lecture today and you couldn't risk missing it because of some food poisoning. "Don't knock it 'til you've tried it," He smirked. You carefully cut out a small piece, putting it in your mouth. "Wow... It's.... Something." You let out, trying your best not to pass out.

Your body shuddered at the memory. You wondered what he was making for breakfast today as you tied your into a bun and looked at the clock on your bedroom wall. You still had a bit of time before your morning shift at the cafe. You opened your bedroom door and walked out, Luna walking with you between your legs.

The horror you saw before you was unbearable. Flour was everywhere and the smell of something burning made your eyes tear up. Jean's back was towards you, he was too engrossed in whatever he's doing to notice you've woken up. He, too, was covered in flour.

"Jean... What happened to our agreement?" You asked as you approached him, carefully tiptoeing around to avoid unrecognisable food that was on the floor. After the last omelette incident, you had a case of major food poisoning. The two of you had an agreement, Jean could stay over if he didn't cook. Though it didn't seem like it, it was a win for you. Jean staying over and you didn't have to worry about risking your life? Definite win.

Jean jumped at your voice, he turned to look at you with a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other, "T, hey! I couldn't help myself, I don't know how else to say thanks for letting me crash here." He pouted. You decided to let it go this time. "So what abomination are you making this time?" You asked, leaning against the counter. Jean gestured towards a stack of burnt shapes on a plate, "Pancakes!" He grinned, mixing the contents of the bowl. You poked the burnt pancakes, they didn't even look like pancakes. They varied in shapes and colours. You sighed as you took the bowl and spoon away from him, "Let me," He sheepishly scratched the back of his head as he watched you take over.

You managed to make at least three pieces of decent pancakes when your phone rang on the counter. Jean, who was leaning on the counter close to your phone, looked over, "Your dad's FaceTiming you, want me to pick up?" You shrugged, "Sure."

Jean picked up your phone and swiped right, answering the call. "Hey Mr Erwin!" Jean greeted the very pixelated face of your father.

"Is this working? A-am I doing this right?" Your father asked no one in particular. You chuckled, he was always such a ditz when it came to technology. He wasn't even that old, he just figured that he had no need for it. When you broke the news to your father about moving out to attend university, he went crazy, 'You mean I can't talk to you everyday now?' That's when you decided to teach him about the wonderful world of mobile phones and the internet.

"CAN YOU HEAR ME?" Your father asked as he placed his phone's microphone directly into his mouth. "Loud and clear, sir." Jean chuckled. "Jean!" Your father greeted him, this time his camera was upside down, "Where's my daughter?" Jean extended his arm out and turned around, showing you and Jean covered in flour.

You paused your mixing and turned to your father, waving at him with your spoon in hand, "Hey dad, we're making pancakes!" Your father was well aware of the fact that Jean had a habit of crashing over at your apartment. Initially, he was very against it. But after you brought Jean over to meet your dad, they became instant best friends. Sometimes you wish you didn't introduce them, the two of them together will always give you a headache. Your dad was also very aware of your crush on Jean.

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