I Always Knew

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Levi wiped his hands on his apron as he handed over the last order for the day. "Today's shift was crazy, huh?" You said as you wiped the tables clean. "Yeah," He mumbled to himself as he wiped his bar clean.

It's been a few days since you talked to Levi personally that night and things were still as awkward as ever.  You've also been having this nagging conscience in your head, reprimanding you for even trying to reach out to touch Levi's hand. You stared at your hand, wondering if Jean would've been okay with it if he knew. Knowing how understanding he was, he probably would be.

But what he didn't know was that it wasn't just the touch, it was how you felt so compelled to feel his skin on yours. It was how your heart raced when you felt the electricity flow through you as soon as you made contact with Levi's hand.

You recognised this feeling, you felt this way with Jean years ago when you first met him. It only intensified, explaining your developing crush on Jean. But weren't you currently happy with Jean right now? Wasn't this what the you a year ago would've wanted? Did you only say yes to him so that he wouldn't be hurt? 

But when did the butterflies disappear? You didn't even realise that you were so set on moving on from Jean that you had actually already done it. Your outstretched hand shook as you realised that that feeling you felt when you jumped into a relationship with Jean was the residual feelings you had left for Jean that screamed yes. How the hell did you ended up like this?

"You alright there?" Levi asked as he walked past you towards the glass door to flip the closed sign over. You gasped for air a little as you were brought back to reality. "Y-yeah, I'm okay." You stuttered, stumbling towards the staff lounge.

Levi raised a brow to look at the table you thought you had cleaned. He sighed as he sprayed the cleaning formula onto the table and started wiping it, finishing your job for you.

You walked back out from the staff lounge after changing out of your apron. The lights of the cafe were already switched off, the soft glow of the moon slightly illuminated the cafe. You saw Levi leaned against the table with a mug of tea in hand. You sniffed, an aromatic chamomile scent wafted around you, "Chamomile?" You cocked your head as you leaned against the doorframe that separated the bar from the narrow corridor leading to the staff lounge.

Levi nodded, handing you another mug, "You looked distressed. Drink some before you leave for the day."

You accepted his offer, cupping your palms around the mug as the comforting warmth slowly spread through your hand. You took a small sip of the chamomile tea, inhaling its fragrance.

"Thank you." You whispered, loud enough for Levi to hear you. Gears turned in your head as you tried to think of what to say.

"You don't have to tell me anything. Just take a moment for yourself and clear your mind." He grunted, looking away from you as he also sipped his tea. You noticed he was still holding his mug by its rims.

"Have you ever been with someone out of pity?" You tried to ask him, casually. Levi placed his mug down, using his pinky to reduce the 'clink' sound it made as it came into contact with the bar top.

He folded his arms, studying your face. "No. I don't think that's fair for the other person."

You were silent as you finished drinking the rest of your tea, your eyes downcast.

"Just place your mug in the sink, I'll wash it. You should head home." He gestured his head toward the sink at the back. You mumbled a thank you as you did as you were told and walked out of the cafe. Your steps were heavy but so were your heart and mind.

Levi watched your retreating figure from the bar, making sure that you were at least safe until you were out of sight.


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