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"Ymir, your bow isn't straight!" You called out to the tall female who was about to leave the room.

She snickered, "Neither am I, so what's the problem?" You decided to let it go, it was her big day after all and in a way, it represented her perfectly. "I'm so happy for you. Do you think you'll cry?"

Ymir snorted, waving you off as she left the room, "Me? Crying? I'm not a pussy. See ya."

You smiled, watching Ymir make her way to the outdoor garden. Something buzzing in your purse pulled you out of your thoughts as you fished out your phone.

Levi: Where are u. It's starting soon.

You didn't know if it was the whole wedding vibes but the thought of Levi wondering about you made you feel giddy. Every single day spent with him was always a good one.

He had a way of making you fall for him every single time, no matter what he did. Making meals for you whenever you craved for something? Instant swooning. Cleaning up your house for you when you've had a tiring day? Not only did he sweep your floors, he swept you off your feet too.

With No Name's popularity soaring, Levi undoubtedly had a large following of girls, only second next to Eren. He'd simply post a photo of his morning tea on his Instagram and there'd be hundreds of girls commenting on it, asking for his hand in marriage or begging him to step on them. You were never jealous, in fact, it only amused you to see the comments.

Levi, though, took every single comment seriously. He couldn't grasp the concept of girls simping over him, 'Why are they asking me to step on them? I don't want to be arrested for assault. Plus, don't they know that I have you?' You've tried explaining the concept of thirsting and simping to him but he was like a rock, unable to absorb anything you've said. 'If they're thirsty then isn't it their own responsibility to know when to drink water?' 

He somehow reminded you of your father, albeit a slightly modernised one. He'll then reply to as many comments as he possibly can, 'I'm sorry but I already have a girlfriend.' While you admired his loyalty, you also felt bad for the many girls that he had replied to.

Tanny: Coming. :)

You clicked on send before sliding your phone into your purse again, making haste towards the outdoor garden.

It was a perfect day for a wedding; the sun was warm but not terribly so. Occasional breeze from the wind would blow through, rustling the nearby flower bushes that decorated the aisle and cooled the guests.

You crouched slightly as you walked down the rows of seats, letting out a big sigh as you sat beside Levi. Jean, Hange, Mikasa and Eren were on Levi's other side as they talked in hushed tones. You felt your heart making little somersaults in your chest as your eyes looked him up and down. He wore a white dress shirt paired with a black suit jacket and tie. You didn't know how it was possible for Levi to look more handsome than he already is and you were struggling pretty hard to fight off the urge to sneak off somewhere private with him for some alone time.

Levi placed his hand on your thigh, squeezing it slightly as he smiled at you. "Did I miss anything?" You leaned in to him and whispered while you looked on to Ymir, who was awkwardly shuffling her feet, her hands to her back on the rustic looking altar.

It suited them, you thought. A small, intimate garden wedding with nothing extravagant. Only close friends and family were present to celebrate their joyful occasion.

Levi shook his head, "No," He leaned in even closer to you as he whispered in your ear, "Did I tell you how amazing you look in that dress?" You laughed, "You told me that at least ten times today."

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