Suck It And See

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You turned the key and with a slight jingle and a slight pull of the knob, you were confident that the door was already locked. Your feet felt lighter today as you made your way to the elevator, your buds in your ears as you kept pressing the shuffle button on your phone.

Finding a good song to help you get through the day would be hard, what kind of song would pump you up to get ready for a confession? You scrunch your face, annoyed that you couldn't find the perfect song to walk to work to.

Your hair was up in a tidy ponytail and you made the extra effort to look slightly nicer than what you'd usually wear to work. This time you had a skirt on. If needed, skirts can always be used to your advantage. The elevator dinged as it opened its doors, allowing you to enter the rather cramped space.

Your face lit up as you finally found the perfect song after pressing the shuffle button for a million times. The elevator dinged again, indicating that you've reached the ground floor. The warm rays of the sun shone caressed your face as you stepped out, breathing in the late morning air.

You walked past your rusted bicycle which was still chained to the railing, with an extra spring in your step. You tilted your head, your nose in the air as you smirked, you were going to confess your feelings to Levi today and nothing will stop you.


"No." Levi deadpanned when you asked if he was free to talk. You slackened your jaw when you felt a vein throbbed on your forehead.

"You didn't even let me finish talking." You retorted. Was he rejecting you before you could even confess? Wait, but he was the one who confessed his feelings first. Who was he to reject you now?

You felt anger coursing through your veins as images of a maniacal Levi controlling you like a stringed puppet flashed through your head, was this guy just playing you all along?

"Can't you see we're at work?"

You looked around, "Oh yeah, we sure are busy, aren't we?" You threw your hands in the air, gesturing around the empty cafe wildly, "Look at the crowd, it's a full house!" You hissed sarcastically.

Levi ignored your comment as he continued cleaning his, unsurprisingly, already clean work station. You took a deep breath in and puffed your chest, marching towards him.

You yanked his cleaning rag away from him and threw it behind you, not caring where it landed. He raised his brow slightly as he looked at you expectantly for an explanation. Was this his idea of 'chasing' a girl?

Your mind ran wild with different theories. He did say he has never loved a girl before, would that mean that he didn't know how to enter a relationship with someone? You recalled how nervous he was to the point of accidentally hitting your teeth with his. Then wouldn't that mean that that was his first kiss too?

Oh God, that means that you're the one who's supposed to explain how things work in a relationship with him. If he decides to pursue one with you, that is. With the way he's acting now, it certainly doesn't seem like he's intending to get together with you.

Oh shit, did that mean you dreamt everything up?

He snapped his finger in front of your face, snapping you out from your thoughts before you could spiral further into a rabbit hole. "As much as I enjoy you being cruel to me, would you mind telling me why you did that?"

Your mind was suddenly blank after he pulled you out from your thoughts, "Uh, sorry, can you repeat that?" You stuttered. 

He raised a brow, "Why did you throw my rag?" 

You paused.

"I'm not too sure myself. Sorry." You mumbled, retreating away from him to find the rag that you just threw. You spot something furry and white laying on one of the top shelves above the sink.

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