Perfect Situation

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It's been two days. Two days since Jean lashed out at you. Two days since your late night talk with Levi.

It's only been two days, but they felt so long without Jean constantly by your side. He called in sick for both lectures on each day. Sasha and Connie visited him to pass him some notes, but they said he looked fine. You couldn't come with them to visit him because of your afternoon shifts at the cafe.

Your shifts at the cafe were, much to your dismay, back to normal. Levi hadn't mentioned a thing about that night and neither did you. You didn't want to keep it that way but you also didn't know how to go about talking to Levi.

Today, however, you had the afternoon off. You had chores to do today, maybe you'd go visit Jean after making a trip to the grocery store to stock up on items. You locked your apartment door with a jingle of your keys and tightened the shoelaces of your Converses. The weather today was slightly cool and this made you walk with a slight skip in your step, despite the current circumstances that you were facing with Jean.

And school. Your grades weren't as good as you expected it to be and you had an essay deadline coming up. You sighed, you've brought your homework to your shifts and snuck in a few study sessions here and there when Levi wasn't looking.

Petra didn't mind you studying at all, as long as you did your job when you needed to. Unfortunately, Petra's father was currently in the hospital after a slight accident so she had to take lesser shifts. That only meant more shifts with Levi...

You approached the entrance of the grocery store, the automatic doors sliding open and a gush of cold wind blew your hair back. The cold season, also your favourite season, was approaching. You walked into the grocery store with your hands behind your back, wandering around the aisles to find what you needed.

Tissues, a few microwaved meals, instant tea bags and coffee mixture... Band aids, you thought as you walked towards the infirmary aisle. You looked at the different band aids that were on display, varying in designs, shapes and sizes.

You grabbed a box that you'd like. It looks cute, you thought as you threw it in your shopping basket. You were about to walk off when you suddenly thought of Levi, he'd rather die than to put on some cutesy band aid. You smiled to yourself as you imagined a seething Levi cursing you with smoke coming out of his ears and a cute, pink band aid on his forehead. You grabbed another box of band aids, this time you took those boring ones and threw it in your shopping basket too.

You moved your items from the shopping basket to a plastic shopping bag at the bagging area. You spent a little more than you usually do when you went out for grocery shopping, probably because you bought an extra box of band aids. It was a need though, what if Luna decided to give Levi another scratch?

You stopped walking. Why did you even think that there would be another time for Levi to come back to your place? Why were you even thinking of him this much on your day off when you're not supposed to think of him?

You shrugged it off as you just feeling guilty that he had a minor scratch because of Luna.

You were about to turn a corner towards your apartment complex when you saw Levi walking by. He must've finished his shift, you thought as he came from the direction of the cafe.

"Levi!" You called out and walked briskly toward him. He looked up and turned to you, grunting in response.

"Just finished with your shift?" He nodded his head, "Was about to go up to your apartment." You furrowed your brows quizzically as he handed you a hard plastic file. "You left these at work yesterday. Seems important." You took the file he held out for you, realising that you kept all your notes in it. "Oh wow, I totally forgot about them. I didn't even notice they were missing!" You groaned, hitting your head with the file once. You never did well when you were starting to get overwhelmed.

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