Do Me A Favour

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Your lecture had just ended and you wanted nothing more but to go home and pass out. You watched on as your classmates slowly strolled out of the lecture hall, heading towards whatever plans they had for the rest of the day. You leaned back, resting your head against the seat. Jean had decided to sleep in and ditch class today. You cursed his name under your breath as you closed your eyes, replaying the events of yesterday.

Levi had sent you home on his bike. You thought it was pretty fucking terrifying, but he insisted that he wasn't even going that fast. He walked you all the way to your apartment door. You fished your keys out of your bag and unlocked your door. Levi leaned against the railing, waiting for you to enter. As you opened your door, Luna walked out and rubbed her head against your shin. "The fuck is that?" You heard Levi ask from behind you, his voice slightly raised. You turned to look at him and noticed his eyes widening. He gripped the railing that he was leaning on a little bit too tightly.

You furrowed your brow in confusion, has he never seen a cat before? "She's... My cat? Her names' Luna." You said as you crouched down to scratch her chin. You noticed Levi slowly shuffling further away, hands still gripping onto the railing, "That thing is fucking filthy." He hissed. Luna hissed at him back, you've never seen her do that to anyone. She was the sweetest cat you've known. You stood up and turned to face him, "Says the guy who literally just came out of a crowded bar full of sweat, alcohol and cigarettes?" You gently shooed Luna back into your house. Levi relaxed as soon as he saw Luna disappear. "Not what I fucking meant," He grunted as he narrowed his eyes and went back to his usual stoic expression, his hands no longer gripping the railing.

A lightbulb went off in your head, "Levi... Are you scared of cats?" You questioned him, smirking. "Fuck this, I'm leaving." He said as he turned to leave. You didn't get a chance to thank him for sending you home as he stormed into the lift. You leaned over the railing, looking down into the carpark. Levi already had his helmet on. You took out your phone and texted Jean.

Tanny: Hey, could you send me Levi's number? I kinda pissed him off n didn't get to thank him properly lol.

You locked your phone and looked over as you heard the roaring of his bike leaving the carpark. Your phone buzzed twice and you unlocked it to check.

Jean: Don't overthink it, he's easy to piss off lol. Glad u're home safe btw. Go get some medicine for that headache alright?

Jean: *Sent Contact Card: Levi Ackerman*

You thanked Jean and saved Levi's number into your phone. You walked into your apartment and leaned on the kitchen counter, clicking on Levi's name. Should you text him? You thought about it for a while.

Tanny: Hey Levi, Tanny here. Sorry for pissing you off. Just wanted to thank you for sending me home! :)

You pressed send. You threw your phone on the sofa and retreated to your room for the night, not wanting to see if he replied.

Sasha interrupted you from your thoughts, "Earth to Tanny? Hello?" She poked your head. You blinked a few times, trying to remember what you were doing. You realised you were still sitting in the almost empty lecture hall. "We wanted to go to this new place since the lecture ended early and I'm hungry. Wanna come with?" Connie asked. You shrugged, you didn't mind the distraction now. Sasha and Connie walked ahead of you, talking about whatever it is they had always talked about. You felt a little bit too distracted today to join in on their usual banter.

You pulled out your phone from your back pocket and checked your notifications. Only a text from your dad.

Dad: Hello, , How Are You Doing, My Daughter? Jean. Said You Had A Headache. Hope You Are Okay. LOL, Your Father,

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