I Appear Missing

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You woke up to Jean's snoring beside you. Sun poured into your room as you glanced at your wall clock - 8:05am. You groaned internally, dreading your 9:30am lecture. You felt something heavy wrapped around your waist. You lifted up your sheets to see Jean's arm holding you close. You gasped as you quickly covered your body with your sheets when you realised that the two of you weren't wearing anything else.

Jean started stirring in his sleep when you turned to your side to face him. You couldn't help but smile, feeling the warmth in your stomach slowly making its way up to your chest. You could get used to this fuzzy feeling. The morning rays highlighted every single detail on his shirtless body. You mentally took note of everything, from his muscles twitching now and then on his toned physique to the few freckles that adorned his body.

"Like what you see?" His morning voice was raspy as his eyes gazed sleepily towards you. Your cheeks flushed a shade of rosy pink, "Just enjoying the view." He let out a hoarse chuckle as he placed a hand on your shoulder and pushed you gently back down on your bed. He climbed on top of you and rested his arms on both sides of your head.

"So am I." He murmured as his gaze lowered to your lips.


The two of you arrived late to your lecture after your unexpected morning activities, making haste towards your usual seats next to Sasha and Connie. "Jean, you're back! Feeling better?" Sasha leaned towards you, whispering to jean. "Better than ever." Jean whispered back, smirking towards you as your eyes locked onto his for a split second. Flustered, you physically shrank yourself, slouching down your seat between Jean and Sasha as they continue their talk.

You walked alongside Jean, lingering behind Sasha and Connie as your lecture ended late in the afternoon. Jean had been glued to his phone since the lecture. You were a little curious since he usually couldn't care less about his phone unless it was to text but you figured he would tell you about it eventually. Jean tightened his grip on your hand, causing you to turn to him curiously. He had the widest smile you've ever seen as held up his phone toward you, showing you a poster for a gig. You scanned the contents briefly, your eyes widening as you continued reading on. "No way," You gasped, "Your first gig?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "It's next Friday, 7PM. Hamilton's Bar," He kept his phone and looked at you with pleading eyes, "You'll be there, right?" You were proud of Jean. It wasn't the band's first time performing in a gig, they even had their own little fan base already built. They weren't crazy popular, but were well-known enough to have one or two people recognise them when they went about their daily lives. Eren was the face of the band and understandably, he had the most fans fawning after him.

But for Jean, it was his first ever gig. This was a big thing for him and you wouldn't miss it for the world. "Are you crazy? Of course I'll be there!"

Sasha and Connie backtracked to you and Jean, "You have a gig, Jean?" Sasha asked as she suspiciously eyed your intertwined hands. "Yeah, you guys should definitely come too!" "No Name, right? Shit, I've heard of them. Damn Jean, you're getting up there!" Connie added as he slung an arm around Jean, "My man!"

"I don't think he's your man, Connie." Sasha wiggled her brows, pointing towards your hands. "Wait- Shit, are you two together?" You nodded your head shyly, loosening your grip on Jean's hand. He held your hand tighter, sensing your embarrassment. With an air of confidence, he loudly declared to Connie, Sasha and every single person who was walking by your group, "She's my girl."

There was a pregnant pause as Sasha and Connie blinked at each other with blank faces. You just wanted to dig your head into the ground. It was a sweet sentiment if done in private but with Sasha and Connie around...

Sweet Dreams, Tennesseeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें