I Sat By The Ocean

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Tanny: All the best, I can't wait to see you up there! :)

You sent a text to Jean, who was busy preparing with the band in the bar's green room. You were sitting in a booth with Historia, Petra, Sasha and Connie. You took a sip of your coke when your phone started to vibrate twice on the table.

Jean: I'm so nervous.

Jean: Stand somewhere obvious so I can easily look for you ok?

You wished you could be by Jean's side right now to calm him down, but only members of the band were allowed into the green room.

"So Petra, Historia, you've both been to a few of No Name's gigs, right? Are they really as good as what others say?" Connie asked as he looked around the bar. There was a decent amount of crowd today, standing idly in front of the small stage. It was slightly more than when Grubby Maggots were playing.

"They're good! But obviously I'm pretty biased since I have a thing for their drummer..." Historia sighed dreamily as she rested her hand on her cheek. Petra snickered, "What I've heard from the customers who come by our cafe, No Name is well-known in this state for three things."

"One," Petra said as she lifted her hand, pointing her index finger up. Just then, Eren jogged up the stage as he grabbed his microphone from the microphone stand. The crowd, mostly girls, started to scream and clap. "Eren. His voice, but more importantly his looks, are why No Name is so popular. It certainly helps that Eren is infamous for sleeping with a few lucky fans." You thought about Mikasa and wondered if she knew. Was she here tonight?

"Two," Petra continued, lifting her middle finger up to join her index finger. The rest of the band joined Eren on stage. There were a few cries for Ymir as she sat behind her drum set, twirling her drumsticks. You saw Jean come up, his guitar slung loosely on his body. He ran a hand through his slick ash-brown hair, you could see he was already starting to sweat a little. The lights must've been really hot for him to start perspiring even before starting the show. Hange was at the opposite end of Jean, tuning her guitar at the last minute. The only person who wasn't on stage yet was Levi.

"Their songs. Their songs usually have a deeper meaning and you'll only be able to understand after listening to it a few times. Rumours are, Levi wrote them based on his personal experiences. He's a poet when it comes to writing songs." You tried to recall the last few songs you heard during their jamming sessions. You hit yourself mentally, you were too distracted to pay attention to their lyrics.

"The third and final reason," The tip of Petra's index finger and thumb made contact as she lifted her three other fingers. The crowd started to murmur loudly. "Levi." The crowd went dead silent the moment Levi went up on stage. "Levi may look like your typical angry midget but on stage, that persona of his intensifies by a tenfold. The thirsty gals and guys love it." Just as Petra said, Levi went to Eren's side with his bass slung around his body. He snatched the microphone from Eren, his lips almost making contact with the head of the microphone.

"Bow down, you fucking pigs." Levi's voice was deep and full of authority. Just like that, he had the crowd going wild.

"Insult us more!" "Levi, please step on me!" "Eren, you're so hot!" "Who's that new guy?"

You perked up at the last comment, you looked towards the direction of whoever screamed that.

"Should we join the crowd?" Historia suggested to the table. Everyone nodded collectively and scooted out, blending into the middle of the crowd. You've never been to anything like this before. Not knowing how to act or what to do with your hands, you felt a little bit awkward.

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