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So you already met Wane, he was probably the best friend out of all of my group, he was very trustworthy and we could just talk to each other without having to worry whether we'd tell anyone else about it.

Then there's Tommy, he was very nice. However he could be very gullible and he never knew when someone was taking advantage of him.

The next person in my group was Reece. He and I go way back. When we first met, I had just started walking, and he thought it would be funny to push me over. When I got up he would push me over again. I tell this story and every time he laughs. His laugh is very contagious, definitely the clown of our group.

Next we have, Cane. Cane had been at Bentley State College for the first two years and then went to Canada for a year or two. When he eventually came back he was brought back a year meaning he was in my year instead of a year above. When I met him he started telling me about a popular game I played and we hit it off instantly. However he's emotional and easily provoked.

Finally we have the only girl in our group, Nikki. She was a year above all of us. I really don't know why she hung out with a bunch of nerds but her company was nice nonetheless.

Now that's out of the way, let's get back to the story shall we?

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