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My alarm went off at around 6:30 but I didn't wake up until an hour later. I quickly get up and grab my laptop with the photos I had taken the past couple of days. Time to meet up with the team.

"Hey, I'm coming with you. I want to help you guys out with this."

"Well what are we going to do about Makayla?"

"We can drop her off at your mum's place."

We all get in the car. I call my mum and ask her if we can drop off Makayla for a bit. She says it's okay and we drop her off. We are about to leave when my brother comes running out.

"Ron? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I got some shopping for them. What are you guys up to?"

"Me and Zoe are about to head to Coffee Palace and meet up with my friends. I've gathered some valuable intel from inside Bentley State."

"Oh I'll come with you. I helped get you in so I think it's only fair I know what's going on." Before I say no, he's already in the car. I say bye to my mum and Makayla and start driving to Coffee Palace. When we finally arrive, I notice Wane isn't there yet.

"Where's Wane?" I asked. Everyone shrugged. I tried calling him but no answer. Suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and Wane is standing there.

"You called?" He asked.

"Huh yeah, I was trying to ask you where you were but you're here now so no need now."

We order some drinks and sit down. I told everyone that my brother had come with us and that both he and Zoe would be helping us out with this. I grab the photos out of my bag and put them on the table.

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