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We all sat in anticipation, there was murmuring all around the room. We suddenly saw a new person we hadn't seen before, step out onto the stage. He was tall, had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a bone white shirt and a grey suit. His tie was a dark green with a glass eye. It was green as well. It was attached under the knot of the tie. It definitely gave me the creeps.

"Hello year 11s, my name is Trevor er... Mr. Manning. I am your new school principal." The guy said. "You might be wondering what happened to Mr. Howton. He was killed last night." He said.

There was suddenly a large gasp and everyone exploded into conversation. Reece taps me on the shoulder.

"No wonder they're putting a giant fence up." He whispered to me.

I really didn't expect a principal to get murdered at all let alone at school. This was definitely out of the blue. There was still alot of conversation after the bell went and we were sent on our way to class. I was very worried about if we were even safe in our own school. I was fidgeting in my seat. Then the bell went to go to lunch.

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