According to Coding

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Wirt let out a yell and skirted as far away from the edge as possible. Kipo jumped up, backing into a defensive position. But Adam didn't worry about any of that. He didn't seem to be worried about the millions of legs scratching at the bark of the tree, instead rushing forward with a yell.

"Adam!" Kipo cried.

"What's he doing?!" Wirt yelled.

Adam ignored them both as he rushed forward, raising his knife with a yell. Kipo and Wirt watched in shock.

"D-Do you really think he can fight them?!" Wirt asked.

Kipo shrugged. "I don't know, but we need to help him," Kipo told him. Wirt's eyes widened.

"What are we supposed to-wait," Wirt paused staring at Kipo. "Didn't you say you can turn into a giant jaguar?"

"Well... usually," Kipo admitted. "I haven't been able to it for-!"

Kipo jumped, knocking her head against the ceiling as she was suddenly cut off by a yell outside.

"Right!" Kipo suddenly remembered. "Not the time! Come on, Wirt!"

Kipo ran out of the room, not waiting for Wirt to follow. Wirt watched her go with wide eyes, before shaking himself and following behind, albeit more slowly and cautiously. When he got to the end of the branch, he sucked in a breath.

The space in between the trees was filled with small, almost toddler sized creatures, with shiny, black skin. They were bipedal, but it looked like they had four skinny, long arms that ended off in a point instead of in hands. From their heads protruded two antennae.

And there were so many of them. Wirt couldn't even see the floor, there were so many of them. They all crawled over one another is a desperate frenzy to get to Kipo and Adam, who laid at the center. It looked like they were drowning in a sea of metallic black.

Kipo jumped forward, grabbing the back of his cap and once again stopping him from turning into dead meat at the end of one of the creature's pointy legs. Adam swung his knife, and Kipo winced as it cut through the creature's armour, pouring out blobs of green blood. But the carcass of that creature was soon lost I the waves of the million other creatures, all desperately surging towards them.

"Adam, what are you doing?!" Kipo cried.

"Can't you see?!" Adam huffed, from both annoyance and exhaustion. "I'm fighting these things!"

Kipo looked around nervously, trying to shove the jaw of a creature away from her, but it latched onto her wrist. Kipo let out a yell, but before she could pry the thing off of her, Adam turned around and stabbed it in its big head. Kipo winced as the creature turned limp, sliding of her arm. She had a lot of big red wounds on her wrist now from the creature's attack, but she couldn't worry about that now. She and Adam needed to get out of here.

"Adam, there's too many of them!" Kipo yelled.

As if to try to prove her wrong, Adam swung his knife in a wide arc, destroying three of the ants at once. But three really didn't mean much in the face of a million. Kipo scowled. How could she convince him that they needed to get out of there?


Kipo jumped at the sound of her name, looking up to find Wirt calling out to her, while standing on the branch of a tree. "Kipo, up here!"

Kipo brightened. She quickly turned around, grabbing the back of Adam's cape. She didn't like it, but force was necessary if she was going to get Adam to a safe place.

"What are you-hey!" Adam cried. He struggled, but Kipo's skinny packed a surprising amount of strength. "Stop, I can take them!"

"I really doubt that!" Kipo argued. "Sorry, Adam, but I really don't think you can really fight... all of this! We need to get out of here! Look, up there!"

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