This is a Good(Bye) Morning

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As Kipo came back into consciousness, she yawned. Shifting around, she dimly noticed there was something different about this morning, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Plus, there was sunlight streaming down in her face felt so relaxing, so she didn't really care anyway.

"She... is pink."

"I'd thought they were kidding!... Do you think she's a fairy or something?"

Kipo frowned. These voices were new, so could they be...?

"A... 'fairy'?"

"Oh, yeah, it's like this tiny person with wings."


"... Oh. Yeah, actually, fair point."

At this point in the conversation, Kipo finally shook herself awake, cracking open her eyes and immediately finding two sets of deep brown ones staring back down at her. The four eyes seemed to widen in amazement.

"Oooh. Her eyes are pink, too," said one, the girl who seemed to have a bit of an accent. She had a wild kind of haircut, and Kipo thought it looked cool. She also seemed to be wearing some sort of armour.

The other girl squinted at her. "Huh. Yeah. Cool. Didn't they say see was half-cat, or something like that?" The girl had deep brown skin and messy hair. This time when she spoke, she directly addressed Kipo. "Are you a catgirl, or something? I've only ever seen one in anime, so I don't know if I'm being rude right now."

"They didn't exactly say 'cat'," the other one spoke up. "They said something like... something like..."

The girl suddenly seemed to struggle, so Kipo helpfully spoke up.

"Half mute," she told them. "Er... like a mutant. Specifically, a mega jaguar."

The one with the messy hair suddenly brightened. "Okay, I have no clue what half of those words you just said are, but if you're 'half mega jaguar', do you have special powers?"

Kipo sat up as her visitors moved back, and she raised her arm, turning it into her mega jaguar palm. She'd been working hard at it, and could now do it without having to use the mantra. "I mean, I can do this, and turn into a mega jaguar, if that's what you mean."

"That is SO cool," the girl huffed, and Kipo grinned, at least until she turned to the other girl. "She really IS an anime character."

Kipo's grin melted into a frown with knit eye brows. "An anime character?" she repeated, tilting her head. "What's that?"

The two girls turned to her, one looking confused, and the other looking sympathetic.

"It's a type of cartoon from Japan," the confused one, the one with the black hair told her.

"Oh," Kipo said. And then: "And... what's Japan?"

Now they just both looked confused, and Kipo smiled sheepishly.

"It's... a country?" the one with the messy hair told her, but it was more of a question than a statement. "Uh, actually, that's probably not important right now. Anyway, you're Kipo, right?"

Kipo nodded, and the girl beamed. "Nice! I'm Anne."

Anne turned to the black haired one, and she stepped forward. "I'm Fei Fei. I can't speak English that well, so please be patient."

Kipo blinked. "You can't?" she asked. "I didn't notice. You're doing great?"

Fei Fei smiled at her, and Anne stepped forward again. "Alright! Now that introductions are done, you said you had somewhere to go, right Kipo?"

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