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Dib whirled around for eight time in five minutes, and though he could he Six's overdramatic and annoyed sigh, he didn't turn around again until his eyes had scanned over the tree's multiple times. But, as with every other time, he found nothing.

"This monster you're afraid of... could you not just fight it off yourself?" Six asked, and Dib's heard nearly whipped around from the sheer stupidity of it. But he KNOWS he heard a twig snap, so he was watching the forest like a hawk.

"Well, maybe, but maybe not. What if it has..." Dib struggled for a second. "A gun?"

Dib could feel Six's displeasure and he wasn't even looking at her. However, he knew that feeling well.

"It was just an example." Concluding there was nothing in the forest, Dib turned back to his companion. Despite her being a weird fox/cat/dog creature, he could see she was irritated with him. "Besides, I want to catch it, because I really, really can't believe that on this new world of pink people and 'bone dragons' and you, people still don't believe anything I say."

"That 'Dipper' did," Six disagreed, and her tone of voice told Dib exactly what she thought about that. Dib rolled his eyes.

"What, you think we're crazy, huh?" Dib huffed, but Six only shook her head.

"So, what is this monster anyway?" Six asked, avoiding the question. Dib glared at her.

"I told you already!" Dib cried. "Three times!"

"Well, in those three times, the more interesting one was here," Six replied easily, as if she wasn't telling Dib that she didn't care one bit about him. "So now that she's gone to help Ms Fei Fei get more crystals, I might actually listen."

Dib groaned. "I hate you so much."

Kipo clutched at the ground below her, uncontrollably cough all the water her swallowed in her short trip in the river. Well, 'coughing' was perhaps too soft of a word for it. 'Violently hacking' was better.

She stayed like that for a long time, but eventually, she managed to get up, wiping the tears from her eyes. At least she assumed they were tears, after all, she was soaking wet, she couldn't tell the river water from anything else.

When Kipo raised herself into a sitting position, she shook out her head, but it didn't really help much, as it only made the ringing worse. Everything hurt AGAIN, and she'd just felt healed again, too!

"Kipo!" Someone cried, and Kipo was jarred back to the present, looking over to the side to see Luz, Kris and Alice, with Alice and Luz both in the water, and Kris struggling to drag them up.

"Huh? Oh, sorry! I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Quickly, Kipo stood up, and had to grasp a wall by her side as she wobbled, but she got her sense of balance back fast, hurrying over to Alice and pulling her to...

Kipo blinked. Wait, where even where they?

As Kris and Alice helped Luz up, Kipo took a look around their surroundings. They seemed to be on a dock of some sort, all made out of old, decaying wood. With every step, the dock creaked, and with every step the wood seemed to bend under their feet. Half of it seemed to be gone already, based on how the other half of the dock was cut off with splintery, broken off wood at the ends, though it didn't look like it'd take much for this side to break that easily.

Kipo gripped the metal railing by the ledge, suddenly worried.

"Hey, look," Luz suddenly spoke up, seemingly recovered from her coughing fit, though Alice still seemed to be struggling.

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