Garden of Guarded Secrets

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Once the group joined up with Fei Fei at the supposed 'secret passage', the director left them with only a couple words.

"I can't stress this enough: hurry. The passage is pretty straightforward, but there are trails that go off from the main track that you can't go on at any cost. The person you are trying to kill can't hurt you there, but there are other dangers."

"Also, if you find the watchers... defend yourself if you must. Don't hesitate if they attack you because that can cost you your life. Some watchers will defend the World fiercely, no matter how they might actually feel about their situation. But also... be cautious. Some might try to trick you without outright attacking you, and others will help you while still trying to keep themselves safe. Keep your wits about you."

"And lastly, do not feel sympathy for World. He's made his choices and stuck by them for all these years. All for his own flimsy reasoning. Again, do not hesitate."

The director seemed content with that, but with Luz's persistence, it finally answered her original question: "What will happen to you?"

"Well," the director had said, sighing. "I'll probably die here. But I've been living for so long and for nothing that this is almost a mercy. Many council members had died to make this world better, and now less than half of us remain, including me. They died for next to nothing, but this time, I think that my death will mean something...

"...If you succeed, that is. Well, glad we cleared that up. Get going, will you?"

And with that, the director shoved the little group through the glowing portal, yes, portal, and then, suddenly, the group was disoriented, and somewhere else.

With no way to get back, Kipo realised as she looked back to the wall from where they came, shakily standing up. She was still shaking, stumbling around as if she was still back there, but Kipo knew she was safe now. Well, safe from the earthquake and crumbling castle that is. Not safe from whatever was in here, though.

And speaking of which... once Kipo had finally gotten a decent sense of balance back, she turned back towards the place they had found themselves in. The blue portal, now closed with only a blank brick wall behind her, gave her an awful sinking feeling of deja vu.

Could this place be anything like that horrible amusement park? Steeling herself, Kipo peered at her surroundings.

Around their little group was a garden. A nice, peaceful garden that felt peaceful, but Kipo refused to let anything else bring her a false sense of safety. She knew they had to be careful here, and the others seemed to realise that as well, unconsciously drawing towards each other for comfort.

"What... is this place?" Tulip asked, hesitantly. She hadn't seen the portal that they had found earlier, and although she had been told about it since then, it probably wasn't the same as seeing it up close.

"It's the same as the portal last time," Luz note, before peering closer at their surroundings. "Or, kind of."

Coraline frowned deeply, and looked to Kipo. "This wasn't one of your plans for getting out of here, right?"

Kipo shook her head. "No. I don't think these portals lead to other worlds. Or, well, other dimensions, at least. They still operate with the same rules as the main world..."

Kipo thought back to the flower they had seen in one of those safe rooms back in the other portal. She hadn't thought much of it then, because she hadn't known what it really meant. But now, she did. She understood too much, now.

"...But the guy in this world can't reach through them," Kipo finished. She looked around, her eyebrows creasing. "But I don't know where they are, in relation to this world."

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