It Rhymes with 'Dumbrella'

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Just as they said, Norman, Wirt and Dipper gathered in the community hall, all carrying separate bags. Wirt had the smallest, basically a handbag, Norman had a medium one, and Dipper had a huge one that looked like it dwarfed him. Wirt didn't know how, as they were all dripping wet, and that bag looked like it weighed a ton. Was Dipper secretly really strong?

"We're making an entire ocean in here," Norman muttered, and Wirt followed his gaze down to their feet, where he saw that Norman was right. There was a puddle underneath them that was about a meter across, and two inches deep. Wirt tried to get out of it, but all his did was make the puddle bigger.

Welp. Sorry to whoever was cleaning this up in the morning.

"Do we all got the right supplies?" Dipper asked the other two, setting his bag on the table. "I got candles, a book and pen, a knife, just in case, a net, maps, and a couple books-" Dipper paused and glanced down at his bag, and then sighed. "That are probably soaked through right now, and some other things... that are also important."

Wirt saw a glimpse of Dipper's vial of holy water and his cross before Dipper closed his bag, and swung it back on. It really did seem to be wearing him down.

"What about you guys?" Dipper asked, and Norman put his bag down next.

"I got some spare clothes, some food, some water... yeah." Shrugging, Norman put his bag back on. Dipper nodded.

"Right, good idea," he said. "I... didn't think of that. What'd you get, Wirt?"

Wirt stayed quiet for a long time. "Something important."

"...What is it?" Norman encouraged him, and Wirt winced.

"It's... ah, er-," Wirt sighed. "...A notebook."

Dipper and Norman stared at him.

"...We're going to be in a boat, Wirt," Dipper told him.

"Yeah, we're going to be in a boat, Wirt," Norman repeated. Wirt went red.

"Well... yeah, but... it never hurts to be prepared?" Wirt tried, but he didn't have much hope. "I'm always stuck having to remember my... poems... in my head, but now I'm prepared!"

Dipper and Norman shared a mockingly disappointed look.

"What ever you say, Wirt," Norman said.

"What ever you say," Dipper said. Wirt groaned.

"We should move on," Wirt told them, and Dipper and Norman laughed.

"Yeah, yeah..." Dipper reluctantly agreed. "Anyway, so we're all ready to go, right?"

"..." Norman frowned. "No... I feel like we're forgetting something."

"Hm... I also feel that..." Wirt noted. The three took a second to observe their supplies.

"...I can't think of anything," Dipper eventually said, and the other two had to agree with him.

"...I guess we should get going then, right?" Norman asked, and Wirt nodded. "Alright. Dipper, lead the way to the boat then.

"On it," Dipper told him, taking out the map. "Here we go?"

Norman and Wirt nodded, and the three of them started out into the pouring rain, towards the just barely visible mountain: a big, shadowy beacon in this dark, foggy world.

As soon as they spotted the entrance to the tunnels, they ran for it, and any chance to get out of the pounding rain, no matter how small. But as their feet splashed into the ankle-deep river, they quickly realized that somehow this cave was more wet than outside of it.

Wonderer's Wish World: An Empty Landحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن