Big Bug Boss Battle

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Adam peered at the cover of yet another book. This one... was this one useful? From what Ada could remember... no. He tossed it to the side, and caught a glimpse of Dib squinting at him. He sighed. Alright, maybe the words 'when I get back' were a little suspicious by themselves, but it's been an hour, and Adam had already cracked under the pressure and explained everything. Was all this really necessary?

Eventually, Adam dropped his bag with a tired sigh. "What?" he hissed Dib.

"What?" Dib huffed. "You're being suspicious."

"I already explained everything!"

"You gave a suspicious answer!"

Adam rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just don't tell Kipo. Or Mira, Mira would try to stop me, too."

Unsurprisingly, Dib's eyes narrowed, and Adam groaned. "Oh, so they're suspicious now?"

"Kipo is pink!" Dib was shouting now, and his chair screeched as he stood up. "She's probably an alien or... something! Can't you see that?!"

"I'm not blind, of course I can!" Adam crossed his arms, huffing. "Besides, she said she's half... half... mute?"

Dib's eyes narrowed even further. He looked like he was squinting. "Suspicious."

Adam's lip curled in a sneer. Isn't that what he said before to Wirt, all those times? He was still angry, thinking only about how angry he was that he was still stuck in a video game, and how desperate he was to get out. He'd made a bad call, and now Wirt had to pay the price. He remembered when he was climbing up those trees when the storm was raging around him, where he watched Kipo leap out to Wirt, how she'd reached out her hand... and the look on Wirt's face when he hadn't immediately taken it. He hadn't trusted her... and Adam knew he could only blame himself. He still wasn't sure if Kipo was a real person or not, but he DID know she wasn't going to suddenly betray them.

But Dib didn't know that, unfortunately.

Adam struggled with what to say as he shrugged on his backpack. Could he convince Dib that Kipo was ok before he left? Not if he wanted to leave as soon as possible, which he did.

Adam glared at Dib, thinking, and Dib glared right back.

Yeah, there was zero way Adam was changing his mind right now. Whatever, he'd worry about it later.

When he got back.

"Don't miss me too much," Adam called back sarcastically. All in all, Dib wasn't too bad of a guy, otherwise Adam would be studying in some other place far away from him everyday. Adam certainly thought he was over the top and crazy at times, but Dib was also... kind of smart? He helped Adam find all the information he now had on the bone dragons, so that was something, and it was the only thing that made Adam actually turn around, and say a very quiet "thanks!" before the library doors closed.

Unfortunately, they didn't close fast enough for Adam to miss the surprised look on Dib's face. He must not get gratitude that often.

Shaking out his head, Adam turned, squaring his shoulders and adjusting his backpack. He'd been planning this for a long time, for days now, and his backpack was adequately filled with food (perishable, unfortunately), the books he'd need, and, of course, weapons. He was pretty sure he was prepared to leave, so now all he had to do was sneak past Kipo and Mira.

While Adam was happy that Kipo was now here and safe, it really was unfortunate that she'd arrived today, of all days. How was he supposed to sneak out with her wandering the town? Adam regretted not sending her to a specific place before she left. It'd certainly make this easier. But he was stalling.

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