It's So Whimsical!!!

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The first thing Wirt thought when he woke up was: '...I am not at home.'

There were a couple things that made Wirt come to this conclusion: one, it was really cold, and either Wirt's blanket had suddenly become the worst one in existence, or it wasn't there. The second tip of was that it was pouring rain, and Wirt could feel each painfully icy splash on his skin. It wasn't quite as painful as needle pricks, but that was what it reminded Wirt off. The last part that told Wirt that he was not at home was the fact that it felt he was hallway submerged in water, or at least something slightly watery.

It did not feel pleasant. Wirt winced, feeling slightly disgusted, and finally opened up his eyes.

"Huh? Oh, you're awake now. Uh, good morning?"

Wirt got up, shifting to the side and yawning. Despite just waking up, he didn't feel even remotely refreshed.

"Hey, wait, slow down!" someone was saying next to him, and Wirt looked to the side to see Dipper kneeling next to him. Dipper didn't catch his gaze, instead focusing on Wirt's hands, which Wirt drew in almost self-consciously. Dipper blinked, suddenly looking surprised.

"Oh," he said, titling his head. "You're fine. Are you fine? How are your hands?"

Wirt blinked, his mind going blank for a second, before everything suddenly came rushing in at once. He quickly brought at his hands, flipping them over a bunch of times to try anything wrong with them. But there was nothing, his hands were completely whole and fine, other than a slightly pink sheen to them that could just be a trick of the light. It was as if everything that happened in the cave was just a far away dream.

"I'm... fine," Wirt realized. "My hands are fine. I don't feel anything from them."

Dipper glanced quickly at him. "Nothing?"

Wirt suddenly remembered what he had been saying before. "Well, no, not nothing, I still feel them, but no pain or anything."

Finally, Dipper's face split into one of relief. "Really?" he asked, and Wirt nodded. Dipper laughed, sounding slightly hysterical. He held up a long pink cloth, looking bewildered. "I can't believe it. This thing actually worked."

"What is that?" Wirt asked him, and Dipper shrugged.

"Magic, or something, I guess," Dipper told him. He held it up to Wirt so he could get a good look at it. "We got it at the edge of the forest."

Wirt furrowed his eyebrows. "You mean it was lying around?"

"Nope," Dipper said. "I literally had to reach into the forest and grab some of the fog."

Wirt was taken aback. "You what?"

"I don't get it either," Dipper sighed, shrugging. "But it worked, so that's good."

Wirt nodded, and Dipper peered at the cloth curiously. "This thing seems pretty useful, even though it feels like my hands about to explode."

"Does the cloth hurt your hand?" Wirt asked, concerned, but Dipper shook his head.

"No, it's just that if I let go of it, it disappears," he explained. "Or something like that."

"Oh," Wirt realized. "Well, you can probably let it go now. It served it's purpose."

Dipper frowned, and for a minute, it looked like he was debating with himself before he shrugged, letting the cloth go. To Wirt's surprise, it seemed to dissolve into mist before his very eyes before completely disappearing.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Dipper agreed. He watched it disappear along with Wirt. "But the 'healing magic fog' is something we should keep in mind."

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