Norman's Best Defense

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"Mabel?" Norman hissed at her, quietly. He tugged on his handcuffs, as if trying to get away in embarrassment, but Mabel noticed that he didn't tug too hard, and he cast a worried look at Fraser as he did. Fraser gave him a look that Mabel couldn't discern back.

"Don't worry," Mabel whispered at him. "Me and Kris are here to clear you name!"

Norman looked like wanted to say more, but he bit his lip, keeping his mouth shut. Mabel gave him a wink as she stepped up on the stage.

"So basically," Mabel started, awkwardly. "This guy could never do what you all were saying, because I know him, and he's a really nice guy! He wouldn't be in cahoots with evil!"

Mabel paused after that, or at least, Kris thought she paused. But as she didn't continue, Kris was forced to look over the heads they were sneaking out behind to peer at her and see what she was doing. Kris paused. Was... Was that really the extent of Mabel's evidence?

Mabel shrugged.

"I...Is that it?" Father Arlen asked her after a minute. "Young lady, are you really saying that you came up here with no evidence or witnesses? With the intent to waste our time?"

"Oh..." Mabel thought for a minute. "Actually, I DO have a witness-."

Kris grit their teeth in annoyance. They were trying to AVOID attention, Mabel!

"Uh, no, actually, no witnesses," Mabel hastily remedied. "I... only have my word. So, I'm my OWN witness! I'll testify for Norman!"

"Father, how long is this going to go on for?" Grier interrupted, stepping up. "This girl is only wasting our time! You already made a verdict!"

"I understand that, Mr Grier," Father Arlen said. "Unfortunately, we want this trial to be as... fair, as possible, so we let everyone have their say, if they so want it."

"But-," Grier tried, but Father Arlen shook his head.

"Relax, Mr Grier, I do not believe this trial will last very long," Father Arlen reassured him. "This girl doesn't seem to have much to say, anyway."

"I have plenty to say!" Mabel argued, but she was met with a giant groan from the audience, and a smirk from Father Arlen.

"Get started, then, girl," Father Arlen told her with faux tiredness. "We don't have all day."

"Fine," Mabel said, stepping up with her best determined expression. Kris, feeling the attention of the church wane, sent her a little message:

Just lie. Make up the best lie you can, and keep the attention on you. Mabel nodded. Kris was surprised. She seemed to have a plan. Kris continued on... semi-confidently.

"First of all," Mabel started. She turned to glare at Father Arlen, who seemed taken aback by her hostility. "Why are you saying ghosts aren't real? I met a ghost once, it processed me! Dipper told me it did some wild things, but I didn't get to see, because of the ghost."

"...You must be mistaken," Father Arlen replied after a second. "Those things might have said that they were spirits of our past, but they were lying. No such things exist."

Mabel gave him a strange look. "You believe in monsters and evil creatures but not ghosts?"

"I believe in the Lord," Father Arlen answered simply. Apparently, Mabel's line of question threw everyone for a loop, because no one paid any mind to Kris, non-covertly sneaking past the pews. They got some odd looks, but it seemed Mabel was more entertaining than a strange, mischievous looking kid sneaking across the floor.

Mabel's lie was working...! Well, if she was lying. She was either lying badly by putting way too many details in it, or she was telling the truth.

"Yeah, yeah, 'The Lord'," Mabel mocked. "That isn't evidence! You've just been saying stuff that you have no way to back up!"

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