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When Luz finally reappeared again, Kipo's face broke out into relief.

"Oh, good, there you are!" Kipo called to her, standing up and waving enthusiastically, but her smile fell as she saw Luz's downcast expression. "Hey, what is it? What's wrong?"

Luz sighed. "It's... nothing. It's fine."

"Are you sure?" Kipo pressed, and Luz shook her head more vigorously this time. Kipo frowned worriedly, but she decided not to press it. Besides, they were on a time limit. "If you say so. You can talk about it when you're ready you know."

Luz opened her mouth to protest, but Kipo continued on before she could. "We decided to go look for a hospital, or something like that. It's not very likely we'll find one, but we've got to try, because we don't have a lot of time left-."

"Oh, we don't have to do that," Luz interrupted, and before Kipo could question her, Luz raised her clutched hand. Kipo did a double take.

"Isn't that-?" she asked breathlessly.

"It'll heal them," Luz insisted. Suddenly, something seemed to occur to her, and she frowned at the cloth with the... all too familiar texture to it. "At least I think it will. But Six has never lied about this stuff before..."

"A-Are we sure?" Kipo asked her, nervously. "Isn't that dangerous?"

"Only on its own," Luz explained, before scanning around. "Are they inside?"

"Yes..." Kipo told her, slowly. "Luz, please be careful with that."

Luz nodded, and Kipo suspected that she didn't want to talk anymore. She stepped back Kipo, and into the building behind them. Kipo started to follow, and then paused, looking over the destroyed town behind them. Six was nowhere in sight.

Kipo can't say she knew the strange dog-fox creature too well, other than the fact that she was incredibly rude most if not all the time... but there had been no reason to suspect she would backstab them. The betrayal hurt, almost as much as Hurricane's betrayal.

Kipo shook her head, following Luz back into the community center.

The first thing she heard was Kai arguing. Kipo kept her laugh to herself. Typical.

"No, no, NO! I do NOT trust something the ghost gave you!" Kai cried.

"It wasn't the ghost," Luz explained, an edge of annoyance leaking into her voice. "It's just magic."

"..." Kipo walked in as Kai narrowed his eyes at the cloth suspiciously. "I don't trust it."

Beside him, Tulip rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on! Kai, the only reason I said you should go first is because that wound is probably the worst one here. You need treatment!"

"Yeah, treatment!" Kai cried. "Not whatever that is!"

"Oh... FINE," Tulip groaned. "I'll go first. Luz..."

Luz gave Kai a glance, but maybe she wanted to actually do something, because she moved to the side without complaint. Tulip held out the cloth, and Luz reached forward, wrapping it around Tulip's leg. She paused for a couple seconds, seemingly unsure about what to do next, before unwrapping it, being careful to always keep a hand on the fabric.

"D-Did it work?" Luz asked uncertainly, and Tulip carefully and slowly stretched out her leg, a beaming smile growing on her face. Kipo's eyes widened. Was this really the same smoke that was in the forest? Kipo supposed she never did get too hurt in the forest, but... still. The fog could do that this whole time?

Wonderer's Wish World: An Empty LandWhere stories live. Discover now