A Magical Theorem

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Fei Fei flinched, immediately drawing her hand away from the swirling vortex, looking chagrined. Kipo could understand why, as a scientist, she was embarrassed FOR Fei Fei.

First rule of discovering new, weird stuff that doesn't make sense: don't use your bare hand, at least get a long stick or something.

The four of them turned, facing the person racing towards them speedily. They were jumping up and down, waving frantically, and were clearly trying to spot the group before they did anything with the portal. The way they bounced, running so desperately, that they nearly dislodged the scarf-like thing wrapped around their shoulders. But now that the four of them had clearly stopped and were waiting for them, Kipo couldn't imagine why they were still running. Too much energy, perhaps, or...

Kipo suddenly tensed. Was the newcomer trying to give them a warning? Were they in danger? She leaned forward, squinting at the person, trying to figure out if they were saying something, but her attention was soon torn away. Her eyes widened as she gasped.

"Huh?" Anne glanced towards her. "Is something wrong?"

"That's one of the people that I saw in the crystal!" Kipo explained excitedly, pointing. "I can't believe it, she just showed up!"

Fei Fei blinked, surprised (and perhaps a little suspicious), but Anne just grinned.

"Wow, nice," Anne said, sounding impressed. She squinted at the figure as well. Suddenly, her mouth fell open in surprise. "Wait... actually, I recognize her, too..."

None of them were smiling, suddenly. Anne's face had fallen into something akin to pain, and now Kipo and Fei Fei were more concerned that anything else. Even Kris seemed more somber than usual.

"Anne-," Fei Fei started, but before she could ask anything, the figure had met up with them, smiling and happy and seemingly unaware of the somber mood around her. She didn't say anything at first, instead doubling down and wheezing for... a worryingly long time.

"I...huff... wow... even though I've been walking around nonstop recently... huff... I still am just a nerd at heart... huff... geez." Suddenly, the girl straightened up, and her eyes fell on Anne. They widened in surprise, and then her mouth spilt into a beaming gin. "ANNE!"

Despite her feelings earlier, Anne couldn't seem to help but to grin as well. "LUZ! I... You're here, too?"

Luz pumped her fist in the air, cheering. "Yeah! This is amazing! If I have to be stuck in another world, at least it's with you!"

Kipo and Fei Fei glanced between though two of them. Throughout their journey, all three of them had shared bits and pieces of their prior journeys, and, in one of Anne's stories of that strange frog world, this girl, Luz, had been mentioned. The pieces were starting to come together.

Anne's smile was a little forced. "Yeah... so, did you not make it home, either, huh?"

Luz paused, and then looked to the ground, her energy fading just a little bit. "Yeah... I thought I did, once, but then I just ended up here. This place... is a lot emptier than the Boiling Isles..."

The conversation trailed off, and Kipo, Kris and Fei Fei watched as Luz fiddled with her hands, before slowly raising her head again.

"And you?" she asked, obviously trying to sound upbeat. Anne sighed.

"I... got home for a little bit, but..." Anne crossed her arms. "Well, obviously I didn't get to stay."

"Oh..." Luz reached forward, wrapping Anne in a hug. "I'm sorry, Anne."

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