Help From the Deep

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"What the-?" Coraline tried to lean over the side of the boat, trying to see better, but then thought better of it. "What is that?"

"It looks like it's helping us!" Luz cheered. She had turned away from the attacking enemies, but it didn't really matter, because they were staring at the creature, too.

"It's Miss Kipo, probably," Six told them. "Didn't she say she could help?"

"Kipo?" Coraline repeated, frowning. "But how...?"

"It probably doesn't matter," Six sighed, loudly. "Has everyone here forgotten that we're in a battle?"

As if just remembering that himself, the leader siren's head snapped back towards them. He looked furious. "Hey! You tricked us!"

"We tricked you?!" Coraline yelled back incredulously. "Is that what you think? We just got lucky! You're just upset that you don't have an easy win anymore!"

The siren's face twisted up into a snarl (and honestly it looked like some rotten skin fell off as he did), but he still looked worried. But when he ducked into the water and then came back up, he suddenly looked triumphant. Coraline blinked. Whatever he had been checking under the water, it made him very, very happy.

"Oh, believe me, this "win" will still be easy," he told them, and gave a nod to the merpeople by the boat. When Luz hit them with the shadow, it knocked them back, but not far enough. Luckily, they had be surprised by the sudden appearance of the tentacles, and hadn't come closer, but after a look from their leader, they were advancing once again.

Coraline looked around, at the tentacles, but they looked like they were busy. It wouldn't save them this time. Coraline turned back to Luz.

"Uh... do you think you can stop them?" she asked, uncertain. Luz nodded grimly.

"I have an... idea?"

"Oh, great."

The merpeople got closer and closer (Coraline grimaced at the awful, wafting smell that came from them), and as Luz didn't move, Coraline got more and more worried.


"Don't worry!"

Coraline glanced at the figures. In front of them, there were three. On each side, one. Behind them, another two. Unfortunately, Luz was only looking in front of them intently. Coraline didn't even think she saw the shark-like fin approaching them.

"Hey, Luz!"

"I got it all under control!"

At this point, the merpeople were right in front of them, and they reached their fingers up, latching them onto the sides of the boat. Coraline was certain she saw white bone peeking out through the green and black flesh.

She panicked. Both she and Luz moved at the same time. Luz took a piece of the shadow she was holding, slashing down on one of the merpeople's fingers, cutting them off like a knife. It was definitely impressive, but somehow, Coraline doubted it was what Luz meant to do. Meanwhile, Coraline took her fist, slamming down on another merpeople's fingers. There was a huge CRACK! And the attacker's fingers snapped. On the other side of them, the shark Coraline had been worrying about rose up from the water and took the down the last of the attackers. Neither of them got a good luck at it before it had once again disappeared, down into the depths. Luz stared at it, but, honestly, Coraline had bigger problems.

"Ew, gross!" Coraline cried as she clutched her hand. Now it was covered in disgusting muck and grime like she'd just spent time rubbing her hands in jelly. What the heck? "Ugh, this is disgusting!"

Luz didn't respond, and Coraline tried to wipe off the gunk on the side of the boat, but she immediately stopped when a sharp pain cut through her hand. She lifted it with a cry, and then scowled at the sliver in the side of her hand. "Oh, great."

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