Green Bean

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The bell for lunch rung at last, which Killua and Gon were both thankful for due to their increasing hunger. 

Gon packed up his book bag and slung it over his shoulders, walking after Killua as he had already left for the door. 

"Killua! Wait up!" Gon called after him, Killua turned around, hands in his pockets and waited for the target to catch up to him. 

"Hm?" Killua hummed in response.

"Wanna eat lunch with me?" Gon asked. 

Killua realized he had no idea where the lunch room was, or what the rules were so he decided it'd be best if he followed the target. 

He nodded in response and Gon and Killua walked side by side on their way to lunch. 

The lunch room was already crowded and bustling with noise. Gon led Killua to the front of the room where a woman wearing a hair net, white gloves and a messy apron was standing behind a counter. She had big, kind eyes and fine wrinkles etched into her mocha colored skin. 

"How can I help you two?" She questioned, looking back and forth between Killua and Gon. 

Gon spoke up for them, pulling out a small, crinkled wad of money from his pocket. 

"Uh I'll just have the usual." He answered with a smile, she nodded and stepped into a door beside her. She came back shortly with a tray filled to the brim with food. She handed Gon the tray and he inhaled the delicious scent of macaroni, turkey sandwich and fruit. 

"Thank you." She nodded in response and fixed her eyes on Killua. 

"What about you, dear?" 

Killua looked at Gon placing his small wad of money on the counter and he connected the dots. 

"I don't have any money." He whispered to Gon, I'll have to remember to bring money tomorrow. 

"Oh, well I don't have any extra money... but we can just share!" Before Killua could respond, Gon was already walking away, grabbing 2 water bottles that were sitting out on a tray along the way. 

The walk was short and Killua wasn't sure where Gon was leading him but he was too consumed with the thought of food to really care. 

Gon had finally spotted his friends outside and went out to meet them, they were all sitting on a giant stone wall not far from the building. 

"Hi guys! This is Killua. Killua, meet Kurapika, Leorio, and Retz" Gon said, gesturing to his friends. 

"Hey." Killua said in response, feeling awkward. 

Gon climbed up the stone wall with Killua in tow, once they were situated Gon placed the tray between them and said with a bright smile, "Dig in!" 

Killua ate silently, they had split the sandwich between them and Gon gave Killua his macaroni since he had noticed how Killua eyed it. Gon was engaging in heavy conversation with his friends while eating a handful of fruit and swinging his legs back and forth. 

Killua mainly watched his target and listened to the conversation, not feeling like participating. He'd occasionally nod his head or give a 'mhm' or 'no' in response to someone asking him a question but his attention was mainly fixed on the raven haired boy. Killua couldn't figure him out. They barely knew each other and yet he had offered Killua so much. He'd given him his food, offered him friendship without conditions and even shared his textbooks with him. 

Why?  Was the question Killua couldn't figure out. He took this time to finally take a good look at the boy. He wore tight black jeans that left little for the imagination, a white tank top and a green jacket with black stripes on the sides. Killua also noticed how the whole time the boy was talking with the others, his smile never once faltered, in fact, it would often get bigger. 

Killua didn't fully understand why, but something inside him compelled him to do the thing he did next. 

He reached forward and tugged on the boy's sleeve just like he'd done to him earlier. 

He turned around instantly and faced Killua with a small smile, "Yes?"

Killua thought for a moment before looking him up and down and saying, 

"Why do you wear that jacket? It makes you look like a green bean." Killua had expected some sort of reaction, but much to his dismay, the boy's smile grew wider and he laughed. It was short and filled with joy. 

"What's so funny?" Killua crossed his arms, a playful expression on his face. His sour mood was gone due to Gon's laugh. Damn, he must be contagious. 

"I guess you're right." Gon finally calmed down and nudged Killua with his arm playfully. "Guess I'm your green bean then." He said with a playful wink. 

Killua turned away, not sure how he felt about that statement. 

"God, you're embarrassing." Gon just laughed in response. 

"Oh! Killua?" 

"Yes?" Killua responded in a sing-song voice. 

"Can I have your number?" 

Killua tilted his head in curiosity, "Why?" 

"Just give me your phone." Killua rolled his eyes but did as he asked. Gon added Killua to his contacts and did the same for himself to Killua's phone. 

"Here!" Gon handed him back his phone and went back to conversing with his friends. 

This time, Killua joined in the conversation. 


For the rest of the day until school was over, Gon continued sharing his books with Killua and even gave him one of his pencils. It was blue with green stripes and had a good eraser. They even engaged in playful banter with each other, occasionally playing footsie under the table which Killua won most of the time. The whole time they talked, Killua found himself feeling light. For once, the burden of his home life was lifted and he could just enjoy himself. 

Killua and Gon had bid each other farewell and gone their separate ways once the bell rang, signifying school was over. 

As Killua got situated into his bed, he pulled out the file and changed Rey Hinata's status from 'Alive' to 'Dead'. His phone vibrated. 

Green Bean💚: Goodnight Killua! 

Killua rolled his eyes at the contact name but replied instantly. 

Killua💙: Night, green bean

That night, Killua fell into his usual dreamless sleep, his arms and legs wrapped tightly around the pillow he was cuddling. 

Meanwhile, Gon was finding it hard to sleep. He kept replaying the memories of the day in his head, too excited to see his new friend again. 

Eventually, he passed out from exhaustion, laying on his back with his limbs splayed out, one leg dangling over the edge of the bed and the sheets pulled up around his waist. 

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