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Two weeks had passed and in that time Killua moved in with Gon. The move was easy since he only had the single bag he brought with him from home and if he needed clothes, Gon insisted he could wear his. 

The move-in happened for two reasons. The first being Gon didn't want to be alone while Aunt Mito was away and he enjoyed the company. The second, Killua could save money by not having to pay rent at the Inn. There was a third reason, but neither of them acknowledged it. 

They had gotten exceptionally closer during that time since they were constantly by each other's side.  

Retz had returned to school roughly a week ago. She was acting stranger than normal but no one pushed her into talking. She had made the excuse of 'I was taking care of my sick grandmother' to explain her absence. Everyone seemed to buy it except for Killua and Gon. 

Gon picked up on vibes and could always tell when someone was lying and Killua knew because he was a professional liar and knew how to spot one. They kept this information to themselves and didn't call her out. 

They were all currently at school, sitting outside at their usual spot for lunch. 

Kurapika and Leorio were sitting side by side on the wall. Leorio had his legs swinging back and forth over the edge while he happily ate his cup of noodles Kurapika made for him. The blonde was trying a new recipe and needed a guinea pig to test it out. He was silently pleased at the fact Leorio enjoyed his cooking so much, though he wouldn't voice that out loud. 

Kurapika placed one leg over the other and leaned back, sipping on his bottle of water while soaking in the sunshine. 

Retz was slightly hunched over, eating her sandwich rather aggressively while she stared ahead at the pair who were absorbed in each other. 

Killua and Gon sat side by side at a table, their heads resting on their arms as they stared at each other. Killua was staring at all the details of Gon's face and Gon was doing the same to Killua. Gon was absentmindedly playing with Killua's hand that was on the table. He stroked and played with the soft skin. 

They'd both gotten used to physical contact like this since during the past two weeks. This was due to the fact they shared a bed, were always near each other and Gon had a lack of personal space when it came to Killua. Killua had gotten used to Gon's touch and didn't shy away from it anymore. 

Kurapika happened to glance in their direction and saw them. He sat up and nudged Leorio in the stomach, ignoring his string of curses. 

"Look at them." Kurapika whisper-yelled to Leorio, pointing at Killua and Gon. "They're so fucking precious." Kurapika was staring intently with his arms crossed and one leg over the other while biting his lower lip in anticipation. He wasn't sure what he was expecting the duo to do, but he was quite literally on the edge of the wall, waiting. Leorio just chuckled and playfully twirled a stray piece of the blonde's hair. 

They weren't the only ones watching the duo, however. Retz took another unnecessarily aggressive bite into her sandwich, her eyes wide as she watched them. 

Gon traced his fingertips over Killua's knuckles, mesmerized with the dewy, perfect skin. The action left a tingling sensation on Killua's skin but he didn't mind the gesture from Gon, that is until Gon interlocked their hands together. 

Kurapika gasped, repeatedly nudging Leorio's stomach while pointing at them. 

Retz's jaw clenched. She jumped off the wall and walked around the other side of the building. 

The pair continued to stare at each other, both their hearts beating a little faster than normal. 

"Dainty hands~" Gon said in a sing-song voice, squeezing Killua's hand. Killua didn't pull away but he didn't return the gesture. 

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