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Gon awoke to Killua cuddling him just like he always did. 

He usually woke up first and it was routine for him to spend a few minutes admiring the boy. He stared at him intently. From the silver highlights of his hair, to the pout in his soft lips, to his milky white skin. 

Killua had one leg over Gon's waist and one arm draped over his chest, his fingers were loosely gripped into his shirt. This is how they usually woke up, with Killua using Gon as a pillow. Gon smiled fondly at the scene before reluctantly getting up due to his stomach rumbling.

He carefully maneuvered Killua's leg and arm off his body, careful not to disturb him, and stood up from the bed. He stretched with a little groan, his body feeling significantly better since his fight with Genthru. He had almost healed completely since then except for a few bruises on his skin, though they didn't hurt.

He crouched down and patted Kitty Zoldyck on the head. "You hungry?" Gon whispered. The cat meowed in response.

"Yeah, me too." Gon grabbed a simple black shirt and brown shorts and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower, stealing one last glance at the sleeping Killua before closing the bathroom door with a smile.

Gon was nearly done with his shower when Killua stirred awake. His fingers were tightly gripped onto the pillow next to him. He loosened his hold on the pillow as he awoke. He stretched out and yawned, rubbing his eyes to be met with an empty bed. He frowned at the lack of Gon's presence. 

His frown only deepened as he looked around the room, still void of Gon. In his half-awake state it took Killua a while to untangle his body from the covers when Gon finally walked into the room, his hair a little damp and pulled down around his face, his face was a light pink color due to the heat of the shower and his skin was still dewy with moisture.

Killua smiled brightly at the sight of Gon, which caused Gon to smile in return since, to him Killua looked like 'a lovesick puppy.' Gon sat down on the bed next to Killua and began drying his hair with a towel. Killua stared at him and breathed in his fresh, clean scent.

Gon finished drying off his hair and walked to his dresser and began combing back his hair into its usual style. Then, he picked up a rod that was leaning against his wall. He flashed Killua a smile but the boy stared back in confusion.

"What's that?" Killua asked, pointing to the silver rod that had a red ball on the end.

"This." Gon waved the rod. "Is a surprise. Go take a shower and I'll show you what we're doing today."

Killua shrugged and stood up to go take a shower. Gon gave him a small pile of clothes to wear. Killua had enough of his own clothes to wear but Gon enjoyed seeing his clothes on the boy's body and Killua enjoyed wearing them, especially since they always smelled faintly of Gon. 

Gon had decided they should go fishing today, since he was certain Killua had never been fishing and its something Gon used to love doing but hadn't done in a long time. Now that he was with Killua he had the urge to restart his hobby again, and besides, the Island had the best fish and Gon was certain a fish would make a good meal for breakfast for them.

When Killua got out of the shower dressed in white shorts and a blue shirt, Gon was already waiting for him downstairs. He'd just finished feeding Kitty Zoldyck a piece of toast when Killua hopped down the last step.


Killua nodded. "Where are we going?"

"Shh it's a surprise." Gon said with a smile, giving the white cat one last pat on the head before walking out the front door. Killua scratched the cat's ear and followed behind Gon.

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