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"Pathetic." Milluki's voice was the only thing being heard in the dark, cold room other than the sound of the whips landing onto his body. 

Killua wasn't sure how long he'd been inside the room, he spaced out since he stepped foot into the room and hadn't come back since, his mind at a different place, somewhere far away on an Island with a boy he longed for more than anything in the world. 


Killua grunted as the end of whip flicked back and hit his cheek. He briefly remembered the time when Gon's hand had rested so gently on his skin. He'd never felt so loved as he had then. 

The memory was short lived when the whip collided with his chest, breaking through the thin layer of skin and drawing a small stream of warm blood. 

"Weak." Milluki's taunts and insults were ignored by Killua.

He was for once, grateful for Milluki's punishments. The pain brought him momentarily out of his thoughts of Gon and he was able to find some amount of escape. Though no amount of physical pain could amount to the pain he felt in his chest. 

Killua spaced out again, focusing solely on the sound of Milluki's grunts and the feel of the hard leather landing on his skin. 

He hadn't even registered when the door to the room creaked open and a new set of footsteps padded into the small space. 

"His friends are here." 

Killua's ears perked up at the new sound of his mother's voice. 

"Shall I dispose of them?" Milluki asked with a devilish grin that faded as soon as he made eye contact with the blood curdling look on Killua's face. 

"Don't bother. They won't make it past the front gate." She said smugly.

"He will." Killua said without a doubt in his mind. He knew once Gon had set his mind to something, nothing could stop him. He was the most persistent, stubborn person Killua knew. 

No one in the room heard his statement so they continued chattering silently though Killua paid no attention to them. He was filled with something he hadn't felt in a while. Hope. 

He felt like a weight was lifted off his tensed shoulders. Gon was here. Everything would be alright. He hadn't ruined their relationship, at least he hoped he hadn't. He made a mental note to apologize to Gon the moment he saw him.


After an extensive google search on the Zoldyck family, it took Kurapika a matter of minutes to find the location of their house and a few extra minutes to buy tickets for an airship, which they were currently aboard, headed straight for the Zoldyck Mansion.

"So.. what's the plan?" Kurapika questioned as he sipped from his water bottle.

"Get Killua back." Gon said shortly as if it were the answer was obvious.

"Right. Short and simple. I like it." Leorio said with a smile.

"We're doomed." Kurapika muttered, throwing his head back against the wall he was leaning against and groaning.

"Hey don't be such a worrywart." Leorio nudged his side with his elbow. "Everything will work out."

Gon nodded. Since they left Whale Island his expression was serious, all hints of giddy humor gone.

Before long, the airship had landed right and everyone filed outside to stare at the sight before them. 

They stood in front of the Zoldyck Mansion's gate. It was a giant, iron gate decorated in vines. Past the gate was a brick road that led up to the magnificent mansion that stood looming over the land like a tower. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

"Well. Here we are." Kurapika mumbled out, looking at the house with wide eyes.

"Looks... homey." Leorio chuckled nervously.

Gon sucked in a breath and pushed open the gate. It creaked as he moved it and everything was silent for a few seconds until they was a distant sound and rustling around them.

"What the-" Leorio was cut off by the loud barking of giant, ferocious dogs that had emerged from the brush. Their teeth were barred and fat drops of saliva was flying out of their mouths as they ran towards the intruders. Gon lifted his arms up protectively as the nearest dog lunged towards him.

None of them heard the whistling that came from nearby.

They had all braced themselves from an attack that never came. Curious, they opened their eyes and dropped their arms to be met with a young black girl that stood in front of them a few feet ahead. The dogs were gone.

"Friends of Master Killua I presume?" She questioned slowly, looking them all over.

"We are." Gon spoke up before everyone else. 

She nodded and began walking. "Come." 

They followed closely after her as she led them down the long, winding path to the gloomy mansion. 


Killua was in his own little hopeful world as he dangled from the ceiling. Milluki had left and he was grateful for the quiet. It gave him time to think. 

He didn't hear as the door creaked open and a new pair of footsteps entered the small space. He didn't even hear his name being called until his neck jolted to the side sharply, a stinging pain forming on his left cheek. 

"Guess it's your lucky day." Milluki said bitterly, a few drops of spit landing on Killua's face. 

"Your free to go. Father wants to speak with you." 

Killua perked up and spared no time breaking from the bonds, stumbling a bit in the process as he ungracefully dropped to the floor on his knees, hurrying up quickly and rushing out the door. 

He raced down the dimly lit hallway until he stopped at a large iron door. 

He breathed in before opening the door. 

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