The L Word

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They drove in silence with Leorio in the driver's seat, Kurapika in the passenger's and Gon and Killua in the back, a small space between them. 

Gon stared at Kurapika and Leorio conversing, not really paying attention to what they were saying. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, having decided he was over it now and he wouldn't let his thoughts or feelings bring him down. However, it was harder than expected and he still couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy and sadness looming over him. 

Killua stared at Gon, noticing every little change in his features with a frown. Gon looked... Sad. The sight of his light not shining as brightly as he once did and looking so helplessly in despair made his chest clench painfully.

"Here. Drink this." Killua scooted closer to Gon until their shoulders rubbed together. He shoved the water bottle into Gon's hands.

Gon looked at Killua, his sadness fading away as he stared into those sapphire eyes that looked at him as if he were the entire world. Gon felt a rushing heat rise in his face, not used to someone staring at him so lovingly. He was suddenly filled with a flickering hope that maybe, just maybe, Gon's feelings for Killua were mutual. There was still the annoying doubt in his mind but he shut it up, choosing to hold onto that hope no matter what, especially since he was tired of feeling sad. 

Killua witnessed Gon's expression brighten once more and tried his best to hold back the blush that creeped onto his face at the thought that perhaps he was the sole reason for Gon's change in mood. He knew it was a stretch, but just the possibility made him extremely overjoyed. 

Gon stared at the water bottle before twisting the cap in the wrong direction. Killua sighed, shaking his head, and twisted the cap off for him. Gon looked at the opened bottle before taking a sip.

"Tastes like butterflies." He mumbled in amazement. Now that he was no longer feeling sad, his usual happiness returned tenfold due to the alcohol coursing through his body. His giddiness was returning again as if the whole short period of depression never happened. 

"Leorio tastes like-" Leorio shoved his hand over Kurapika's mouth before the blonde could say anything else. 

"Don't shush me that's rude." Kurapika's muffled voice could barely be heard behind Leorio's hand. He had an offended look on his face as if someone just smeared shit under his nose.

Leorio huffed and whipped out a bag of Gold Fish crackers, placing them on Kurapika's lap.

"Be quiet." 

Kurapika nodded, digging into the bag and stuffing his face with one cracker at a time. 


Some time passed and Kurapika was humming to himself while Gon and Killua were talking amongst themselves, both feeding off of each other's energy.  

"Hey, watch this." Gon whispered to Killua. 

Gon hunched forward, resting his head on the passenger's seat and tapping Kurapika on the shoulder.


"What." Kurapika's eyes were closed but he stopped his humming. 

"There's a spider on you." Gon whispered into Kurapika's ear with a giggle. 

Kurapika's eyes shot wide open, a look of terror taking hold of his body. He appeared to have sobered up in a matter of seconds at Gon's words. He became frantic, thrashing around in his seat as he swatted at his clothes and face, trying to rid himself of the 'spider.'

Gon and Killua chuckled at the sight of Kurapika looking as if he was about to burst into tears any second.

"Where is it?!" He shouted at Leorio, tugging at his arm. The car swerved ever so slightly. 

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