The Reason You Smile

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A week had passed and during that time Killua and Gon continued to grow closer. 

Gon found himself being attracted to Killua's personality and he loved finding new things about him like the fact that he could be mischievous and a trouble maker when he wanted to, but he could also be serious, calm and the level headed one out of the two. Gon had also found out Killua has a sweet tooth for desserts and his favorite candy is ChocoRobo-kun chocolate balls. He shoves his hands into his pockets when he's uncomfortable or embarrassed, his favorite drink is chocolate milk and his eyes change different shades of blue based on his mood. Gon also enjoyed teasing Killua just so he could see his pale face light up a shade of pink. 

Killua was also discovering things about Gon, such as he was often simple minded but determined. Once he had his mind set on something there was no talking him out of it. He discovered Gon's favorite drink was orange juice but he also favored chocolate milk just like him and he wasn't picky about food, he'd eat just about anything. 

They continued sharing their lunches as well as Gon's books and utensils and played games with each other every day. They often created their own games on the spot. There was never a dull moment between them, they were always doing something fun. Gon had taken Killua to visit a few places on the Island already. One time after school, they went out for snacks at a local shop near them and then walked together afterwards on a stone wall. They had to jump off after they started play fighting and an old woman passing by was growing concerned for their safety. Gon was the one who respected her wishes while Killua called her an 'old hag worrying over nothing.'

The two were becoming an inseparable pair and when they weren't together, they'd often text each other. Gon felt bad that he was spending more time with Killua than his other friends but Kurapika and Leorio assured him it was fine. 

Gon liked the fact that Killua was an open book with him, he could ask him anything about his family or his life and he'd answer honestly. Killua wasn't sure why, but he felt relaxed and comfortable enough with the boy he could tell him anything. Besides, it felt great to be able to have someone to share the burden of his life with. 

During this whole time, Killua forgot about his mission, about his duty, about who he was. He was just a teenage boy, enjoying life with the only person he felt like actually understood him. 

Everything was going great, until that day. 

The friend group was having lunch together as usual, all except for Retz. She'd been gone for 3 days and didn't say why. 

They were all enjoying their lunches. Kurapika and Leorio were talking amongst themselves while Leorio showed Kurapika something on his phone that made him laugh. 

Gon and Killua were sharing their lunch like they always did. Killua had his turkey sandwich and macaroni along with a carton of chocolate milk and Gon had his tuna sandwich and egg salad. 

Gon had been staring off into space, sipping on some of Killua's chocolate milk when he placed the carton down and said with a worried look, "I haven't seen Mrs. Hinata around lately, I hope she's alright." 

Upon hearing her name and the tone of Gon's voice, Killua felt a wave of guilt washing over him. He stayed silent and looked down at his hands. 

Kurapika had overheard Gon and looked up from Leorio's phone to stare at Gon with a shocked and sad expression, "Wait, you don't know?"

"Know what?" Gon stared back at Kurapika with his head tilted. 

Kurapika hesitated for a moment before continuing, he knew how much Gon had liked Mrs. Hinata but he deserved to know the truth and he was bound to find out sooner or later.      "Gon... she was found dead yesterday. She was murdered. The police believe it was the same person who killed Ramona Greyhound." 

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