Give and Take

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"I'm gonna kill him." Leorio said with a determined look, his eyes narrowed in fury. 

Gon and Killua had returned from the nurse's office. Gon didn't have any major injuries and he'd be fine in a few days much to Killua's relief. Surprisingly he didn't need any stitches, just a white bandage on his head where there was a tiny cut from Genthru's punch. The only injuries he had were the cut on his head, a few bruises forming on his stomach and one on his cheek and a cut on his bottom lip. Gon wasn't worried about the wounds and seemed to be back to normal. If he was in pain, he didn't show it. 

"Not if I do first." Kurapika's eyes were slits at this point. 

"Gang homicide it is." Killua remarked, looking just as pissed as the other two. He was feeling disheartened he hadn't caused more damage to Genthru. 

Gon could only chuckle and smile at the sight of his friends being protective over him. 

"Guys I'm fine. I mean it." He said for the 100th time. 

Leorio sighed and lifted Gon off the ground into a giant hug, being careful not to squeeze him too hard. Gon couldn't help but smile.

Kurapika, however, wasn't letting him off the hook that easily. He lightly smacked the back of Gon's head, earning a dramatic whine from the raven haired boy. 

"Ow." Gon said instinctively despite not feeling any pain. 

"Idiot. You shouldn't have coerced him into a fight, you're lucky you weren't too badly hurt." Kurapika said in a huff, disapproval evident in his voice. 

"Alright Mom." Gon rubbed the back of his head, sticking his tongue out at the blonde.

Kurapika smacked his head again. 

"Don't get sassy with me you delinquent." 

"Ouch. You're killing my braincells!" 

"Not like you had many to begin with anyways." Killua snickered, earning a glare from Gon. 

Gon sighed, knowing Kurapika was just worried about him. His scolding's were always a way of him expressing his care and concern for someone.  

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Gon said in defeat. 

Kurapika seemed pleased with his words and for the remainder of school everything was back to normal. Leorio, Killua and Gon laughed and whispered jokes to each other during lessons while Kurapika scolded them for not paying attention, particularly Leorio for being 'too lenient' with them. 

When the final bell rang signally school was over the group said their farewells outside the school grounds before going their separate ways. Kurapika and Leorio walked in the opposite direction together, talking amongst themselves and occasionally nudging each other. Leorio loved when his friends were all together but there was something special about when he and Kurapika were alone together. 

"Hold on." Leorio muttered, tucking a stray strand of golden blonde hair behind Kurapika's ear. The blonde didn't move an inch, just continued walking with a light pink tint to his nose and ears. 

"Leorio." The blonde said sheepishly. 


"Can we get ice cream?" Kurapika didn't enjoy sweets as much as Killua and Gon did but he did occasionally enjoy them and he hadn't had ice cream in ages. He was craving the sweet. 

"Of course, little Kurta." Leorio said with a cheeky smile. 

Kurapika rolled his eyes at the nickname but grinned anyways.

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