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The next day Killua and Gon both awoke feeling delighted. 

Gon's reason for feeling happy was simply because it was a new, beautiful day and he was excited to see his friends, along with Killua. Killua, however, was excited to see what information he could get out of his target. 

Gon peeled the sheets off his body and had a warm shower, dressing in his green jacket, green shorts and a white t-shirt. He ate breakfast with his Aunt before rushing out the door, running the whole way to school since he couldn't bare to walk, he was too eager to see his friends. Along the way he breathed in the floral and earthy scents around him and took in the beautiful sights around him.

Killua had his usual cold shower and dressed in a purple turtleneck and white jeans. He also remembered to grab a handful of money for lunch. He grabbed an apple on his way out of the Inn since they were offering free food and began his walk to school, eager to find out all he could about his targets from number 13. 


Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio sat in their usual seats in home room. 

Kurapika was listening intently to the lesson, Leorio was flicking his pencil on his desk and Gon and Killua were whispering to each other. 

Killua was too engulfed in the conversation with the target he forgot the reason he had started the conversation in the first place, which was to get information. 

"All I'm saying is when underwater, have your breath 1/3 open so you only inhale 1 oxygen and not the 2 hydrogen." Gon whispered to Killua, they were sitting close to each other, both on the edge of their seats to properly hear to each other. They were close enough their knees were touching, not that they noticed. 

"You idiot, that's not possible." Killua remarked with a hint of amusement in his voice. 

"How would you know, you fell asleep in science!" Gon whisper-yelled. 

"Yeah but I still managed to get a better score than you." Killua stuck out his tongue, feeling victorious since he obviously won that conversation. The victory was short lived when Kurapika looked at them with a sour expression. His lips were pursed into a thin line and his brow twitched with annoyance. 

"Gon. Killua. If you two don't shut up, you won't live long enough to test your theory." 

"Yeah. What he said." Leorio mumbled in agreement, not even paying attention to the conversation as he was playing with his pencil. 

"But why?" Gon frowned. 

"For one, you're gonna get in trouble-"

"As if. That old hag can't hear-" Killua began to say.

"What was that?" Bisky was standing behind Killua with a strained smile. Killua gulped, sinking into his chair while Kurapika stared with a smug look that said 'I told you so'. Killua didn't respond so Bisky smacked the back of his head and began walking back to her spot in the front of the classroom. 

"Pay attention, brat. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." 

For the rest of the class, Gon and Killua didn't talk as much but they still stayed close to each other, trying their best to pay attention to the actual lesson. They would occasionally play a new game they created called 'kneesie' which was like 'footsie' but with their knees. 


At lunch, Killua and Gon sat side by side next to Kurapika, Leorio and Retz. 

Even though Killua finally had his own tray of food, he wasn't too happy with his choice of food which was egg salad, tuna sandwich and a banana. Gon had his usual turkey salad, macaroni and bowl of fruit. Gon wasn't a picky eater so when he noticed Killua picking at his food with disinterest he offered a trade. 

Gon ended up with Killua's tuna sandwich and egg salad while Killua had his turkey sandwich and macaroni. They were both happy with the exchange and gulfed down their food. 

It wasn't until Killua finished peeling his banana and took a bite that he remembered his mission. He looked over at Gon taking a huge bite of the egg salad and felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He felt guilty that he was about to use him, someone who'd given him so much and asked for nothing return. Killua shook off the feeling, remembering the mission he was tasked with. 

The sooner I finish the mission, the sooner I can go home. The thought was half-hearted since deep down, Killua wasn't so sure he even wanted to go home. Before Killua could open his mouth to interrogate Gon about the residents of Whale Island, Kurapika, who was sitting on the other side of Gon turned to Killua with a curious expression. 

"Killua?" He questioned.


"What's your family do?" 

Killua froze, his mind went blank of a good excuse and before he knew it he shrugged and said "They're assassins." as if it was no big deal. 

Kurapika's eyes widened before narrowing. He looked away, obviously thinking Killua was joking. Leorio heard the conversation and chuckled at Killua's response. Retz was too busy eyeing Gon to pay attention to what was happening. Which means the only one who wasn't laughing and actually took Killua seriously was Gon. 

He swallowed a huge bite of egg salad and said "That's cool! Are you an assassin too?" 

Killua's eyes widened but he wasn't even entirely sure the boy was taking him seriously, which is why he answered honestly, "Yeah, but it's not as cool as you might think." 

"What do you mean?" Gon asked with curious eyes, scooting closer to Killua. 

"My family says I'm a prodigy and should take over the family business when I'm older. They're very... I don't know." Killua looked away, not sure what to say. He wasn't even sure why he was telling him all this, he just felt... relaxed, like he was in a safe space. 

"Well it's your life Killua, not theirs." Killua stared back at the boy, searching his face. Gon's eyes were big and filled with raw emotion and his smile was wide. He looked like the sun in that moment. There was only one word that came to mind when Killua stared at him. 


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