coming over

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Smile you're on camera.

Yeah, fuck you too. Taya stood outside of Jays house, the neighbor not so subtly watching her through his window as if she couldn't see him. Not only is he making sure to annoy the fuck out of her by always seeming to be in front of his window, seemingly every time she comes over but he has that ridiculous ass sign up as if she can't see the humongous camera also staring her down. Plus the red blinking light almost felt like a laser, Blinding her ass.

"You know what? Your neighbor is creepy as fuck." Taya adds onto her conversation with her drug dealer. Jay takes a long hit off his blunt as his eyebrows furrow, glaring over at the very obvious man. When the nosy neighbor seen him and directly made eye contact, Jay with no hesitance flips him off all while passing the blunt back to Taya.

"Fuck that guy, He gives me the heebiejeebies." Jay shivers in disgust and slight fright at the thought of the man who almost came out only at night, always carrying a big bag to his car. Not only that but he tended to keep a watchfull lookout on Jay's house. At first he thought it was the cops but yet again he never actually gave the system a reason to be looking for him.

First of all, Pretty much everyone was on the hush hush about him being a dealer. With all the money he was making he was able to help out with the neighborhood, lending money for when their side of the town wanted a park for the kids. Jay was a very known man, kids loved to swing by and play with his hoop in the driveway, sometimes some of the neighbor hood kids would all play basketball while Jay and his friends had a cookout. 

Even the mothers arount town practically loved the guy, usually bringing over baked goods for thanks- some of them doing it for their own pleasures. So usually they didn't pay much attention to his job, Although it wasn't the best thing to do in the world, he still took care of them; He gave the town hope.

Besides the man next to his house who apparently had something against him considering how much he watches him.

Taya takes the blunt pulling it towards her lips as she goes to lean against the porch railing. She watches as the man acted like he went away only to see his one eye poke from around the now closed curtain, Taya rolls her eyes.

"White people man." She scoffs causing Jay to laugh.


It wasn't long before he spoke again, getting passed back the blunt, he takes it in between his lips as he stared at Taya. "So how are you and this Jungkook guy?" The tone in his voice was teasing as there was a lift of his lip in a small smirk. Taya smiles.

"We're good, How are you and heather?" She fake wonders, his on and off again girlfriend was an interesting topic. Jay shakes his head with small smile before going to stand next to the short dark- skinned girl.

"Aye, that's not fair ma." he laughs although he was a bit offended, the topic of him and heather always seemed to be a popular topic when his friends tended to tease him. "You know that girl crazy as hell." He shakes his head, passing the almost halfway smoked blunt.

Hell yeah, That girl was cray cray with a capital C. Taya knew about the girl always popping up Jay's place to check on him, trying to see if he was cheating or not. It didn't stop her from doing the same thing every time they broke up. Taya kind of felt bad for Jay when she saw how the woman acted.

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