29.Venus pt.2

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I stomped to the living room to find Diego and Stephen playing chess.

"Did you ask Noah to convince me to see a therapist?" I asked, trying my best to sound calm.

"Yes." Stephen answered, studying my expression. "I don't think he did a good job at it though."

"So you think I'm crazy?" I asked.

"Noah sees a therapist." He said instead. "Do you think he's crazy?"

"It's different!"

"How so?" Stephen inquired in a calm voice. He wasn't even the least bit affected at my anger which only added more to my rage.

"Are you planning on sending me back?" I asked directly.

"I told you numerous times and I'll tell it to you again. I won't send you back there." He stated.

"Then why are you doing this?" I asked infuriated.

"I just want the best for you."

"Funny, I remember father saying the exact same words before he sent me away."

"I'm not father, Aylin."

Before I could reply with something hurtful, Ezra entered the living room. He was wearing scrubs under his lab coat which meant either he recently came back from the hospital or he was going there now.

But that's not what caught my attention. Rather my eyes fixated on the the bottle of anti-psychotics in his hand.

"Where did you get them?" I bellowed, trying to snatch it from his hand but he held it up, beyond my reach. Why was he so tall?!

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Ezra shot back. "Where did you get them, Aylin?"

"Were you looking through my stuff?" I turned to Stephen in disbelief. "Did you ask him to do that too?"

"No." Stephen curtly denied, his attention on the chessboard.

"They fell out of your school bag when I went to your room." Ezra explained.

"Why were you in my room? Doesn't matter. Give it back." I told him.

"What are they for, Aylin?" Ezra asked, his voice firmer than before.

"Can't you read? They are vitamins." I shrugged, trying to sound casual but the tremble in my voice gave me right away.

"And where did you get them?" I panicked at his question. Did he find the prescription too? But I don't see that in his hand.

"I always had them." I lied. "The doctor in my boarding school prescribed them to me."

"She's lying," Stephen stated in a cold voice. "I received her medical records. She's not on any medications."

"Oh, so now I'm crazy and a liar?" I snarled at Stephen.

"Ezra, do me a favour and check what they really are for." Stephen instructed, completely ignoring my words.

"You don't have to check." I told Ezra, my hands were staring to sweat in panic. "I already told you they are vitamins! Don't you believe me?"

"Why are you getting so defensive?" Diego asked, confused. "Are you hiding something from us?"

"Ezra, they're mine." I insisted. "Give it back."

"No." Ezra refused. "I can't do that."

"I'll stop taking them, okay?" I tried to compromise. "Just give them back and I'll throw it."

I could just buy new ones with the prescription I still had. But leaving this with Ezra was equivalent to digging my own grave.

"Please, Ezra." When he wasn't moved by the tears in my eyes, I knew it was a lost cause.

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