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Stephen couldn't sleep. He tried for an hour before giving up.

It was pointless forcing himself to sleep. He blamed it on the past week, he had to stay up late for his upcoming exams and now it seemed like his mind had made a habit of it.

His eyes went to the clock in his room, it was past midnight already. He stood up deciding to check up on Eve and Aylin.

He was grateful to Diego. Even if he had his flaws he did help him with his responsibilities. For one, Stephen never had to worry about Noah or Eveline's wellbeing because Diego already had it covered.

He prayed he could be a little more considerate of their youngest sister as well. Stephen didn't want his sisters to grow up in a negative environment because it would for sure be detrimental to their mental health.

He wanted to give them a childhood he never got to enjoy. One where they could smile without a care of the world, free of worries.

But as time passed, he was getting further away from his goal.

As he reached Aylin's room, he saw the lights were on. For some reason, he didn't have a good feeling about this.

Pushing the slightly ajar door, he froze at the sight before him.

His father was there.

He was sitting on the bed, pressing a pillow against little Aylin's face while she struggled to get free from his deathly hold.

Stephen couldn't move his limbs for some reason. All he could do was watch as his father choked her with a pillow.

"Shh, don't struggle." He heard him whisper to Aylin, a maniac smile on his face. "It will all be over once you die."

Stephen had grown up admiring his father. He aspired to be like him. Ambitious and successful.

But the man in front of his eyes right now wasn't the same man who he prided in calling his father.

It was a madman who was out for his own daughter's blood.

"Let her go!" He willed his body to move, pushing his father away from her.

Aylin looked between her father and brother with fear in her eyes. And not even a moment later she jumped on Stephen's arms. She wanted to be as far away as she could from the monster who looked awfully similar to her father.

"I-I don't want to die," She whimpered against his chest.

Stephen felt his heart tear apart at her innocent plea. Her body was shaking with sobs, her nails digging against his back.

He clutched her tighter against him, stroking her hair to calm her down, "It's okay. I am here now, sweetheart."

"Son, you don't understand. I am doing her a favour." His father explained, his tone helpless like he didn't have any other way. "They told me to do this. They said it's the best way for everyone to be happy."

"Who are they, Dad?" Stephen asked, watching his father trying to justify his deeds until he could no longer continue to do so. He stood up wanting to take her away from here.

"You don't understand. Give her back to me." Fury took over his father's features when he didn't listen.

Stephen proceeded to carry Aylin to his room, ignoring the angry shouts behind him.

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