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Feeling my glare, Diego raised his head to look at me.

A thoughtful look passed his expression and seemingly deciding what to do, he approached me.

"Lili," He started, which only made me more angry. "Why don't you just show him?"

Oh yeah?

What good would it do me if I showed my scars from years ago?

How was he going to help me?

Was he even hearing himself?

"What's there to show?" I refuted. "It's just some petty marks."

"Why don't you let me be the judge of it?" Stephen said, crouching before the sofa while Diego occupied the empty space on my side.

I sighed in resignation. They already had me cornered. I knew when to give up on a fight.

Grabbing the corners of my sweatshirt, I took it off in one fluid movement.

I was only wearing a sports brassiere underneath, so it showed almost all the scars.

I was almost pleased at the sight of Stephen's wide eyes. He looked absolutely horrified as all the color drained from his face, much like Diego's did.

Guess, he can't foresee everything.

"Why are you smiling?" It was Ezra who asked this. He looked confused, a little lost but he still hadn't lost his cool like Diego and Stephen. I hadn't realized the corners of my lips had rised up.

There was nothing amusing about this situation.

So why was I smiling?

"Tell me who did this!" Stephen demanded, furious.

"Lili, just give us a name."Diego added, putting his arms around my shoulder for some reason, which after I resisted he took back again.

"I did this." I lied, just for the fun of it. As if I would tell them anything. "I was bored and thought why not."

"Aylin," Stephen called, trying his best to reign in his rage. "Who.did.this?" He enunciated.

"I told you, I did this." I shrugged. I was already used to his anger. He would get pissed over the slightest of issues.

Sometimes, I felt like Stephen was the one with anger issues, not Noah.

Stephen took a deep breath, his fists turning white from clenching them too hard.

"Aylin, the truth."

It was clear he was angry. Beyond angry. It would be wise not to piss him off further and just tell him the truth.

But then again, I never was wise.

"I-I don't know how or who did this." I lied effortlessly.

"A part of my memory is just blank.No matter how hard I try to remember I can't. I just can't." I scrunched my eyes in pain, my hand went to my forehead, rubbing it as I pretended to have a headache for trying too hard.

"It's okay, buttercup." Ezra soothed. "Don't put pressure on your mind. Its okay if you don't remember."

I heard a dry chuckle come from Stephen and directed my gaze at him. He was shaking, literally. His whole body trembling with rage.

"She lies and she lies," With one fluid movement, Stephen knocked over my study table, "And she lies!"

"Stephen, calm down!" Diego tried to stop him. It was rather ironic how just a few minutes prior I was the one calming him down.

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