Chapter Five

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I got up to get a drink of water after a while of not being able to fall asleep.

After I get my drink I noticed I didn't feel pain in my ankle anymore. 'I guess I might as well patrol for a few minutes.' I thought as I walked around, and before I knew it, I was in the school patrolling. Until I got to the stairs and saw Zero.

"Hey, Ze—" I immediately stop talking, emitting a brief squeaking sound instead, now realizing I was falling down the stairs, at a little more then half way down. I got up and felt my elbow and palm sting. I look down to see a friction burn on both my palm, and my elbow; a little blood seeping from both abrasions. I look up at Zero and smile, "well, I'm not gonna lie: that hurt!" I stand up and felt pain in my ankle again. Did I seriously just make everything worse?

"G-get away." I flinch a little at his sudden exclamation, and then I look annoyed.

"Hey, buddy, who just fell down the stairs? I could have died you know!" I shout back, and stood up, with a huff of irritation.

"I'm not in the mood, Oribia. Go away!" I turn around, hurt that he didn't care.

"Fine! I'll seek out medicinal care elsewhere in a place I'm actually wanted." I cringe as I step forward and feel a jolt of pain. My knees gave out and I started to fall, but Zero, to my befuddlement, caught me.

"Thank you... Jerk." I stood up with the help from Zero. But, he wouldn't let go. "Zero? You can let go now." after I said this he grabbed my hand and licked its wounds. Then I herd him breathing heavily. He held me closer to his body, coming ever nearer to my neck, licking up one of my carotid arteries. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin.

"I'm sorry... so sorry." I froze when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I tried getting out of his grip, but that just made my ankle hurt worse.

"Z-Zero! Stop, you're hurting me!" I tried speaking to Zero to get him to stop, but that didn't work. "You're taking too much. Please stop..."

"Oribia? Zero, what are you doing?!" I hear a voice call out from the top of the staircase. I look up only to see Yuki. I've never been so fortunate of her presence.

Zero lets go of me and I fall to my knees. Zero backs up and I can see his eyes glowing. "I-I'm sorry..." I look at Yuki, and she walked down to me, all the while staring at Zero in shock.

"Zero." I hear a familiar voice coming from the top of the stairs. "You have been reduced to a blood thirsty beast, Zero Kiryu." Kaneme spoke in a deathly tone before stepping in front of Yuki and I.

"Wait, Kaname. It's fine, it was all the stairs fault! It tripped me and cut my palm and elbow, see?" I forget the pain and walk in front of Kaname and show him my injuries, to stop him from ripping Zero's head off. But, having lost so much blood, I was light headed and couldn't use my proprioceptive senses correctly. I ended up keeling over slowly.

"Oribia!" Yuki and Zero were overwrought at my state. I fell into Zero and chuckled,

"See, it w-was the stairs..." I mumbled a bit and took a quick nap. Not feeling well after I stopped moving.


Here you go, lovelies! Another chapter to quench your fanfic needs. Hope you enjoyed!

Edited: June 17, 2017

A Past Drenched in RedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora