Chapter Fourteen

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Oribia Cross, Kagome Amani, Rei Dawn, and Amina Reid.


I bolt down the ally, searching for the owner of the blood curdling screams. I come to a street full of old crumbling houses, and saw a girl in a corner, cowering in fear. I ran up to her and saw she had a pink dress with blood on it, and ripped, raspberry stalkings."Hey, hey, hey! Calm down," I cautiously approached the teen. "what happened?" I ask, trying to calm her. she lowered her hands to her moth and looked at me with blue pools of pure terror, tears cascading down her flushed cheeks.

Her voice shook as she tried to speak "I don't know what it was, but it hurt me!" She thrusts her wounded wrist towards me. "I don't know where is went—I don't want to die!" She bawls hysterically. Her frantic words made me feel trepidation, looking around for the vampire she was talking about, but I cannot see it near us. I'm not going to risk a child life, so the Hunters Association can handle this one.

I hull the girl up and start pulling her along, one hand held hers, the other clutched tight to Nyx. Something jumped on me from above. I quickly flip over and try to stab the crazed being. I bolt after I stabbed the monster, with the girl death-griping my hand as I did so. I hear it's cries of anguish in the distance.

I hop up and prepare for battle as the Level E falls back in pain. the vampire stares at my arm for longer then needed. I get really suspicious, so I looked. I saw a gash on my forearm. Crap.

I stab the vampire again as it springs at me. I quickly grab the girls arm and run down the ally. We make sharp turns and halt abruptly at dead ends, we finally come to a building the looks safe.

I pant hard and glance at the girl, "My names Oribia Cross. Are you ok, miss....?"

"Amina, Amina Reid. Yes I'm ok, h-how about you?" I chuckled breathlessly, she does too.

"I'm good. I just need a bandage..." I hold out my arm and point at the gash. She gasps and I hear her fumble for something. I scope the path as we catch our breath.

"Here. Take this,
Cross-san." she hands a bandage out to me. My eyes widen in shock. I accept the gift and unwrap it, to wrap it around my left arm.

"Thank you, but... why do you randomly have Ace Bandage lying around in your purse?" I ask after she pins the end for me. I look at her funny look. I raise a brow at this action.

"I-it was a freebie at the supermarket... heh heh, yeah, don't judge..." I looked at her like I've just been offended. she jumps back a bit and looks at me with panic, "Is it something I said?" I gave her a blank look.

I started giggling and shook my head at her adorable action. "No, no, not at all. I was just thinking how weird it is, to see a girl like you carrying a freebie from a supermarket around." she looked offended. I laughed more at that, "W-what now?"

"What about me? What did you mean by that?" She asks offended for some reason. I would have told her, only if the Level E didn't screech and try to break the door down.

"No time. Lets book it out of here!" I grab her petite hand and ran to the back, just to find out, there is no back door! I grab her hand and run back to the hall, and up the freaking stairs. I see the Level E break the door down from the third floor stair well.

"He- it's coming! What is that thing anyway!?" Amina screeches from behind me. I shove open an attic door and start pulling her up with me, just as I see the vampire trudge up the last step.

"I'll explain later!" I scream as I heave her up. I quickly slam the door as it comes into view of the ladder. I push a box on it and slump against it, with Amina across from me. "T-that thing... is something I'll make sure you never remember. I promise you that, Amina.... Promise" I whisper the end and rest my head against the wood of the box.

I almost have a heart attack when I hear banging on the wooden shutters, on the other side of the room.
"W-what is that,
Cross-san?" She whispers as she huddles close to me.

I push her behind me and she squeezes my hand as she chokes back a rising sob. "How old are you, Amina?" I ask changing the subject.

"F-fourteen..." I nod.

just a child... damn it.

"What's your family like? I'm sure there all as beautiful as you." I think it's working, she doesn't tone the banging anymore.

"I have two sisters, and baby brother. I'm the second eldest. My mom and dad don't know I went out; I was following my older sister into town with her friends, she didn't know either." I nod and told her to close her eyes and keep telling me about herself. I prepared the dagger as the Level E broke the shutters, finally.

It was stalking towards us with a sadistic
over-sized grin; definitely a Level E. Mina and I jumped back when we herd flesh ripping apart.

I was shocked when the Level E disintegrated with a howl of pain and anguish. Kaname. Kaname was standing there, behind the dead Level E. I sighed in relief. I ran to Kaname and hugged him.

"Thank goodness you are here, Kaname! That monster was going to kill us. I was scared it was going to kill, Mina..." I felt him wrap his arms around me.

"It's alright, Oribia, it's gone now. The girl will have her memories of today wiped, and returned safely to her family." Kaname tells Seiren to take care of Mina. "Lets go, Oribia. You need stitches, judging by the sent of how much blood you have lost."

I nodded and watched, Seiren, pick up an unconscious, Mina. "A-alright..." I felt Kaname pick me up and jump out the hole were the shutters should be.

A/N ;)

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I can't believe I'm seeing it!

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I can't even...
I love you guys! Now let's get those votes up to 1K XD
Haha, hope you enjoyed the chapter, auf weidersehen!

Happy Fourth of July!

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