Chapter Seven

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I hate math, someone kill me now. We all are forced to sit back whilst this Devil tortures us with mathematical equations.

I hear the bell chime a few minutes later. "Finally!" I shouted in relief. Everyone stares at me weird. "S-sorry." I blush and sit closer to Kagome.

"So, Yuki... Where's Zero? He's not here." Yuri asked Yuki in her same calm voice as usual. Yuki laughs nervously and answers.

The next teacher walks in, and tells us all to sit. we all reply with an "okay". I replied with an eye roll.

"Oribia?" Kagome asks, nudging my elbow with hers. I look at her. "Lets go into town after school... I want to show yo-" she couldn't finish because, Yuki got up and ran away.

"Hey, Yuki, where are you going!?" the teacher yells. I get up and run after her, "Sorry! I'll bring her back!" I yell as I run after my sister. I hear the teacher yell for us to come back as I got further away.


I finally get to the moon dorms where Yuki ran to. I walk up to the gate and look at the old man, "Hey, seen any female disciplinary comity members come through here? Besides me." he nods, "You're the third one here today. You just missed the girl, go on, you're clear to go." I nod and run to the door. 'Man, he was slightly weird...' I thought as I open the door.

I close the door behind me, facing my back to the room. I turn around to continue my search, but I have to look no further. "What in the heck is going on here?" I ask as I see Hanabusa Aido on the stairs, with his ice leading toward Yuki's frozen foot. I walk towards them and say "Care to let my sister go?" they just look at me in shock.

Aido smiles, "Not a chance. But, you came here just in time, Oribia! I was just about to ask, Yuki here about you." I look at him with a face the screams 'what?'

"I will slap you so hard if you don't let her go..." he just smirks and freezes my feet. "Wow. Real mature, Hani!" He flinched at the nickname a bit. But he managed to recover.

"How are you going to slap me if you can't move?" I cross my arms, giving him a dirty look. He walks over to me and rips the band-aid off my neck.

"Ouch! Hey, what the heck, Hani?" I exclaim in pain as I put my hand on my neck.

"It was your blood I smelled last night... who bit you Oribia? I know it's not Kaname's bite. So who's is it?" I dryly laugh.

"Now why would I tell you?" I cross my arms and look him dead in the eye... "Now, if you'll please let my sister go..." He puffs his cheeks out childishly.

"You're no fun, Oribia!" He stops pouting and looks happy, "How about this: I let Yuki go, and then you tell me who bit you?"

I look at Yuki and she shakes her head no "Hmm... no." He looks annoyed, and I'm beyond that. "You shouldn't let anyone drink your blood, including me. You owe your life to Kaneme. Yuki told me yours and her story." He chuckled, "In fact you both should go to him now and plead for him to drink your blood." He grabed my arm and it started to freeze; and it hurt. I start to become scared of the growing ice, so I raise my good arm to slap him... but like all my stress induced ideas: it had to fail. because someone firmly gripped my wrist. I look up perplexed. I saw it was Kaname and I froze "Kaneme..." I whisper.

"Please don't, Oribia." Kaname says.

"Kaname how did you-" Yuki stutters.

"Lord Kaname!" Aido stutters as well. Kaname let's my wrist go, causing it to drop down to my side, like a lifeless sack of flesh. I then notice the ice has begun to melt. Kaname turns to Aido, then slaps him. Hard. I would be lying if I said I didn't smirk on the inside.

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