Chapter Four

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I run around town trying to find Yuki. I just saw Yuki walk down that empty street, but I don't see her anywhere. I stop, suddenly, when I see Yuki helping, what I assume to be, a little kid get his balloon ballon back, and failing miserably. I run over, jump up, and grab the balloon. I hop down and hand the balloon to Yuki, "For the love of god: don't leave me again, Yuki Cross!" I look around, still fuming "Where is Zero? I need to reprimand him as well!" I state.

"I don't know: I kinda lost him." She hesitatingly replies, as she reaches the hand with the ballon out to the creepy kid.

"Alright then, we'll just—oh, whatever! We'll find him later: we need to get home before nightfall." I look down at the boy and become confused, "Um... where are your parents, love?" I asked, interested to know. Honestly. Parents need to keep a better eye on their offspring, especially with all the bad vampires running around these parts.

The kid just up and runs off after the end of my sentence. I start chasing after him, as did Yuki. "Wait! Kid, where are you going? You forgot your balloon!" Yuki shouted after him.

"Hey! You stop right this second, kid!" I shout also "You're turning out to be a real brat!" I whine, completely exhausted from today's events already—and now this?!

Yuki and I stop when we see the kid go in a bell tower type building. "Did that kid seriously just go in there?" I stuttered out, doubting this entire expedition. she looked at me, then at the building. She grabbed my hand and spoke, adorning a nervous smile "Yep. Lets go." We both gulp and start to walk in. Yuki goes first, me second, our linked hands tighten when we enter the dusty structure.

We get up to the second floor and I say, loud enough for only Yuki to hear "I swear: if that creepy twerp pops out of nowhere, and fricken attacks us, I'm gonna kick their tiny little buttocks!" She looks at me funny and chuckles nervously, "Okay... please don't: they're just a little—" Yuki gets cut off, and screams when the pipsqueak pops out, trying to fang rape our veins.

"Crap!" I pull out my vampire dagger and lunge at them, but they avoid the attack and disappears. I turn and grab Yuki's petite hand and run towards the top floor. I push Yuki towards the ladder to open the hatch while I keep watch.

"I got it opened!" she yells in triumph. "Quick, Oribia! Get up here!" she shouts desperately at me.

I get up safe. receiving only a cut on my ankle from almost being dragged down the ladder, but at least I got away. We relax for a minute or two. Just when I was going to suggest trying to leave, that vampiric child appears "you have got to be kidding me!" I shout in frustration. I jump up and run to Yuki.

We back up towards the wall as we try to fight the vampire off. "Yuki, use Artemis!" I shout, she pulls out her weapon. "Not good: I dropped Nyx during the scuffle downstairs, Yuki!" I panic. I look at Yuki as we become cornered. Grasping Artemis, I help hold off the Level E with Yuki.

The vampire screeches and lunges at us, claws out, managing to land a scratch on Yuki. I fling it away from us, but it lands on the wheel for the bell, the wheel turns and the bell starts to ring loudly. Yuki covers her poor ears, displaying a painful look on her face.

The Level E vampire stops and looks and the window. I drop the weapon and gape at the person standing there. His dark brown hair blowing softly in the wind, burgundy eyes seeming to glow in the dim light.

"Kaname?" I whisper, flabbergasted.

"How pitiful: you have fallen so far." Kaname spoke to the Level E, as he walked towards us. "However..." The next thing I know, he's covering our eyes and and says, "You have hurt the people I hold most precious." A tint of pink dusts my cheeks at that, then I feel and hear wind. A bloodcurdling screeching sounded shortly after.

"Kaname-sama... what was that?" Yuki asked as Kaname let go of us. I sat down to rest my wounded ankle.

"A Level E." Kaneme replied to Yuki.

"So it wasn't a vampire, right?"

"Oh trust me, Yuki: it was!" I said, hissing as I touched my wound. Kaname looked at me and his eyes glowed for a second, then he turned back to Yuki.

"Oribia's right. A level E vampire was ounce a human, but was transformed into a vampire and lost all of its humanity within the insatiable bloodlust." He explained to Yuki.

I got up and spoke up "well I'm ready to get out of here. Anyone with me?" I limped towards the stairs. But I felt someone lift me up.

"Huh?" I looked confused up at the perp. Kaneme. I slightly blush, feeling embarrassed by the physical contact. "Thank you, Kaneme." I nervously spew out.

"No problem, my dear." He smoothly replies.


"Man, I'm spent!" I shout as I start blow drying my hair Yuki nods whilst she brushed her teeth. When I get done with my hair, yuki turns to me and hugs me tight.

"Sorry for what happened today, Oribia."

I look at her and ask "Why? You're not the one who turned into Level E and decided to attack us. Are you?" I asked, pretending to be scared of her. She pushes me back and hits my shoulder playfully

"No! I'm sorry because: if I would have just let Zero be, you wouldn't of had gone into town to find us..." she looked down, feeling extremely guilty.

"You're right: you should have left him be. But what can you do? You're only human, and it's only natural we make mistakes. It's in our nature!" I reassured her.

She looked up at me with a smile that could light up the whole town "Thanks, Ori-Chan!" I smile back at her.

"You're welcome, YuYu-chan! Well, nighty-night then!" I shout to her before I prance off to bed. But I regret it soon after, "Ouch..." I stub my toe on the doorstep, but continued my epic trek to my bed.

⍟⍟⍟ A/N ⍟⍟⍟
This was a part of chapter three, but it was over about 2080 words, so I had to split it up a bit. Haha, sorry to those who got a notification for this update, but it was heavily edited, so... nota big loss?

Edited: June 15, 2017

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