Chapter Thirteen

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Picture is not mine!


"So, first I need to pick up that new, uhh, book for Kagome, then pick up a few groceries, then look for a good ramen shop and candy shop for my rapturous siblings." I recite to myself, again. As to not forget my outing objective. The fact I lost the shopping list this early on, gives me a less then positive outlook for this day.

I walk around the cold market, holding tight to my favorite orange "Antisocial Social Club" windbreaker. My black jeggings clung against my legs, providing some protection from the chilly air. My dark brown combat boots made silent taps against the cobblestone streets as I made my way to the book store.

Lots of people were out today. Some shopping, some working their jobs. But either way: they were there, and bustling noisily about. I entered the book shop that was next to a clothes store.

Quickly, I pick up the new release. I blush the entire time the cute book clerk was ringing up the book. I'm never going to be able to show my face here again, am I? I'm just going to have to kill Kagome in her sleep tonight— maybe I'll burn the book right in front of her before she reads it?

He handed me the bag and I handed him the money, he took it and I thanked him before bolting out with a mad blush rising. I absolutely wanted a sinkhole to open beneath my feet to end my seemingly custodial embarrassment.

I mentally check the book off the list, and move on to the next item. Groceries. I walk around looking for a store. I stop when I feel someone following me. I look around to see if anyone was, but all I saw was groups of friends gathered in places, talking and laughing with one another. A couple were loving, and kissing on each other. I longed to be cherished as much as the friends cherished each other, as much as the couple cherished each other. I sigh defeated, continuing to look for the store I needed.

I still felt strange, so I do a double take to make sure no one stood out of the crowed. Nothing around seemed to be out of the ordinary. I crash into a body in front of me when I tried to moved forwards, I was about to protest, but I saw it was just my other dorm mate, Rei.

"Rei Ling. What the hell brings you here?" I ask, surprised such a prestigious—but extremely nice—girl would come to the town she claims to be dripping in filth. Her plump lips curled into a smirk, her brown curls bouncing with her every move she made. I was always jealous of her flawless tan skin, and her golden eyes. I've always been jealous of her in general.

"I'm doing a bit of shopping. What are you doing, Ori-chan?" She teases, using that annoying pet name she always calls me.

"Same thing." I put the book into the satchel I brought with me.

"Mind if I join for a bit?" she asks with a puppy dog look. I groan and roll my eyes. She really knew how to manipulate everyone. Even me.

"Okay, fine!" I started walking away after she starts slightly bouncing in joy. She claps her hands together enthusiastically before the sound of her cream pumps start to click on the pavement beside myself.

We walk into the local grocery store and get that over with. I also bought us both a snack. It was sort of a reward of for my hard work, and patience with Rei-chan: whom of which threatened to cry hysterically if I hadn't bought the damn food.

We advance on to look for those ramen and sweets stores I've been thinking about. I stuff everything I purchased into my reusable shopping tote I brought with me, making carrying the stuff less of a hassle, plus making it far more comfortable.

"No! Please stop!" I herd a girl scream. I stop in my tracks down the ally, I turn around and listen for any sign of another scream, because I might just be crazy and imagined it.

I don't hear anything so I turn around ready to move on, but then I hear a blood curdling scream. I turn to Rei and shove my bags into her arms "Can you take these back to our dorm, Rei? I kind of forgot a few important things. I'll be back later." I explain, putting my hands together in apology, thanking her as I take off.

She nods, confused but completely compliant "Sure thing, Oribia!" she shouts to me. I point her in the direction of Cross Academy and wave her goodbye.

"She is not seriously not fit to get mixed up in this." I whisper to myself as I pull my vampire blade out.


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