Hidden meanings

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I slam my head down on the desk in annoyance. Yuki flinches back startled at the loud bang. I mutter some colorful words that would surely get me a spot in the priority line in hell. "O-oribia. Stop hurting yourself... I did what I thought was right!" She had her hand on my shoulder in a consoling manner.

"That shouldn't matter!" I stop the sentence there, for people were looking at me with wide eyes; due to my high volume. I sat back down and leaned close to Yuki. "All I'm saying is, be careful, Yuki... He is a vampire after all. I know he has control, but still, be cautious sis." I lower my voice to a mere whisper in her ear when I mentioned the "Zero is a vampire" thing.

"I-I know! I'm not dumb..." she grumbled and leaned into her desk seat with her arms crossed. Hahaha, I wouldn't say that, Yuki. I sigh and message my temples, Yuki looks at me with worry. I shake it off and go back to doodling while I wait for Sensei to arrive. It was pretty boring at the moment. Wonder where Zero is? Its been a while and Sensei isn't here yet.

I look over at Yuki, "where do you think Sensei and Zero are?" I ask with worry, and curiosity in my voice, as well as my face. She shrugged, but then her eyes widened like she just saw a poltergeist or something. She abruptly stood up, and took of like a bullet. I got up and chased after her, once my surprise of the abrupt take off wore off! "Yuki! What is wrong?!" I shout, out of breath. Why does she always do this?!

I caught up to Yuki after I saw her break down a door. I stopped shocked at her determination to get where she wanted to be in a hurry! I shook it off and walked into the room and saw Sensei in front of Zero with a gun at his side, and Yuki defending Zero no doubt. I gasp and its safe to say I got quite pissed and sad at this moment. I looked to Sensei then to Zero with furry and tears briming my eyes, "What the hell is going on here?!" I almost shout. I think I saw all three shrink back a little. Sensei just sighed and pat my head before leaving

"Nothing kid. Absolutely nothing." He walked down the hall, away from us; going to class no doubt. I snap my head at Zero and Yuki, still confused and pissed.

"What the f**k Zero?! What was just about to go down?" My legs start shaking, because a part if me knows what was happening, but another part is denying it all, "Please, tell me what happened?!"

Zero glared at me and spoke in a cold tone, "None of your damn business!" I shook my head and looked down, "Now stop asking." I turned around and muttered a whatever. I walked out and went to calm down by the fountain in the court yard until Disciplinary duties.

I was just so worried about what I knew was going to happen if Yuki hadn't realized something, but I didn't want to think about what would of happened... it just makes me upset and angry at myself. Just knowing Zero could've been dead while I just sat in a f***ing class room! I would hate myself forever. He is one of my best friends...

I pulled my knees to my chest and got the tears out of my system, I held in all of the sobs as best I could, but some escaped. It was almost dark by the time I was done, and I was exhausted. I guess that's what happens when you bottle it all inside for so long? I had lied down a while go, and started to fall asleep. I was physically drained, as well as mentally.

I herd a twig snap in the distance, right before the darkness overtook my mind.

Zero's POV

After I snapped at Oribia, Yuki smacked my arm. I glared at her, "Oi, what the hell Yuki?!" I asked her. She just shook her head annoyed with me.

"You didn't have to be like that, Zero. She was just worried!" She crossed her arms and waked towards the door. "You should go look for her before she hurts herself again." she shakes her head as she walks down the hall. I can hear a faint 'she's so clumsy.' As she got further away.

I looked at the ground. I didn't mean to be so aggressive with her, I was just annoyed with Sensei, and Yuki's interruption, and Oribia just smells too good to resist sometimes... and I think I- I shake my head to clear the thoughts about Oribia. I need to focus on finding her.

Mini time skip

I walk over to the fountain, ready to give up. And that's when I saw her, sleeping soundly on the ledge of the fountain. I go over to her and get a closer examination, and I see her beautiful eyes are red and puffy, and her little nose is as well. I alsi see her cheeks tinged with a pink hue from the chilly air. What was she thinking?! Sleeping out here with vampires running ramped!

I sigh and shake my head. I lift her up bridal style, and start walking to her dorm. On the way there, she stirred a little then wrapped her small arms around my neck. I stopped a little, and blushed. What is going on? Why do I find this cute?! I shout in my head, a little frustrated with my feelings for Oribia.

I open her dorm room door, and set her on her bed. It didn't look like her roommate was here at the moment, so I just took a moment to observe her peaceful face. She stirred a little in her sleep again, so I quietly left, closing the door.

"Good night, Oribia..." I whispered softly before the door closed.


I was grounded again for...

...lets just go with 'for being too awesome'

Well, hope you enjoyed (I will edit any mistakes when I can)

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