Don't be sad

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A/N: screw it, I'm just going to make my own version of the episodes!

I had a dream about Level E's killing everyone I love, right in front of me. I sit upright slowly and feel the familiar feel of the infirmary bed sheets under my touch. I sit up and groan in pain. I look down at my few bruises and curse myself, but mentally thank Rei; I'll have to personally thank her later.

I get out of bed and look at the clock on the wall... 10:48 am.
Wow, I slept late!! I must have crashed for over 12 hours or so after Kaname brought me back.

I get up out of bed quickly, but collapse from the rush of blood to my head. I recover before I try and stand back up; slowly this time. I get dressed careful not to hurt my injury. I quickly change the bandage before I run out of the room and deside to head to school; I wasn't feeling very hungry, so I skipped food.

Before I went to whatever class I have next, stopped at the headmasters office. I knocked on the door and I herd a cheery 'come in'. I opened to door and saw headmaster at his desk going through paperwork. "Father-"

"My poor poor Oribia! You gone and got yourself into a sticky situation with that Level E~!" He dramatically exclaimed while codling me to death. "Are you alright my dear~?" He asks still squeezeing me to death.

"I-I'll be much better once you let me b-b-breathe!" I shouted breathlessly. "I just wanted to let you know I'm okay. I'm going to head to class now... so, uh, good day father." I dogged another death grip hug and stepped out of his office.

"Aww~ bye my precious daughter!" He shouts after me. I turn my head to him and smile. I close the door and heave a sigh of relief, that was smooth, Oribia, so smooth. I deadpan and walk towards class.

When I got to class I took my seat next to Kagome."H-hey!" She looked at me and and had an angry expression on her face. I slid two feet away when I saw the flames in her eyes, "NOPENOPENOPE" I stated as I stood up to run away. She then grabbed my bad arm and tugged me down. Hard. I hissed in pain

"Sit. Down. Now." She then took my sleeve of my jacket and rolled it up with my white long sleeved dress shirt. She looked at the bandage and then looked at me with an annoyed look, "What the hell am I to do with you." She sighed and dropped my arm. "Sorry for using force. Brat." She winked to me at the last part.

"Heh heh... uh, where is Yuki and Zero?" I ask once I see them nowhere. She looked thoughtful then gave me a questioning look,

"I don't know really... haven't seen Yuki in a while, and Zero has been absent all day." Kagome explains. I nod thoughtfully, then I look to the door with worry. But then Sensei walked in and we all had to take our seats.

Time Skip

I wondered around the grounds while I looked for Yuki; since I can't find Zero. I hoped she'd be on patrol duties, but, I'm starting to lose hope. It infuriates me to no end when I can't find things!

I kick a rock angrily, and sigh frustrated out of my mind. I wonder to the fountain, I stomp over to the damned thing and cup water into my hands then splash my face. I sit on the edge and look down with a sigh of defeat. "Where the fuck are you, Yuki, Zero..." I muttered softly.

"I see you're feeling better now, Oribia." I herd a familiar voice behind me. I look behind me to see Kaname. I give him a soft smile,

"Yep, a little scratch won't stop this girl." I state half sarcasticlly. He smiles a little and walks up next to me.

"May I sit?" He asks in a cool voice.

"Sure. Go ahead." I smile and nod. He sits next to me and looks into my eyes. "Do you know where Zero and Yuki are?" I asked hopeful. He sighed.

"Zero is in the headmasters guest room, and Yuki had just gone to bed." He looks sad while he explained. He looked away.

"Oh... okay." I said sympatheticlly. He stood up and spoke before walking away, "Tell your sister to not let vampires drink from her... and goodnight." I herd all the sadness, jealousy, betrayal, and anger in his voice mixed together in a heart wrenching way.

I stood up as he was 4 feet away, and grabbed his uniform jacket. He stopped and peeked over his shoulder at me. I was looking down in guilt; I don't know why. Tears were brimming in my eyes. He must have sensed me being upset, because he turned around and hugged me gently. His hug was so warm...

"What's wrong, my dear Oribia?" I rest my head on his chest as I hug back. A tear slipped out of my eye onto the ground. He lifted my chin and whipped my tears.

"I don't like it when you're upset... it makes me feel sad as well." I told him. He gave me a sad smile then kissed my forehead.

"Sorry I've upset you. I would never make you upset on purpose, Oribia." He hugged me again, then let go. I wiped my eyes then smiled at him.

"Its okay, I'm just a little too sensitive to others emotions at times." He smiles ever so softly then turns to leave,

"You should head off to bed, too, Oribia. You have school tomorrow don't you?" I give an 'mhmm' as confirmation.

"Goodnight, Kaname." I turned around and walked off to bed.


So sorry, here's a small update. I'M SORRY! >//.//<

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