Chapter Twelve

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"I never thought I'd be killing my own pupil using this gun." I herd a mans voice as I raced up the path Zero and Yuki vanished down.

I get into a clearing with a reflection pond. When I look to the side I could see Zero and Yuki submerged up to their necks.

'What the hell? What are they doing in that freezing cold pond?'

Then I look to the man I heard speaking, and see it's Yagari-sensei, and he's holding an anti vampire weapon. More specifically, a gun. I look where it's pointed to, seeing a bleeding Zero. My protective instincts take over and I get really mad. I even started growling. They herd me and looked in my direction. I glare at Sansei and walk closer to the three people at the pond. I reach and pull Yuki out and put my jacket on her. I then look to the man again, "What the hell did you shoot Zero for! He's not a bad guy!" he just glares back at me.

"He's a Vampire, little girl. And soon a Level E if I don't kill him now." I step in front of him and pull out my blade. He gives me an unamused look, "That is a vampire hunting dagger." he says flatly.

"Yeah, it is. And, you know something? It works wonderful on humans too," I say threateningly. No one seeming to catch the personal, hidden message behind my comment. "So I suggest you back off..."

"It's okay, Oribia."  Zero says. I turn my head to look at him, I glare at him over my shoulder.

"No, actually, it's not. I'm not going to stand by and let one of the few people I love get slaughtered like some rabid monster!" I snap at him. Yagari-sensei roughly throws me to the side and holds the gun up to shoot Zero.

But his plans didn't pan out the way he'd hoped, because our surrogate father appears. I beam at him proudly as he charges to the rescue.

'Now he has to stop. Damn vampire hunter, don't mess with my family!' I inwardly bark at Yagari-sensei.

'I love it when you're extremely passionate' the man snickers, making me want to slap his dumb face. I ignore him.

"I thought there might be a problem, and look! This is a perfect example of why I hate vampire hunters." Headmaster exclaimed angrily at Yagari-sensei.

Zero climbs out of the pond by himself after the Headmaster tried to offer his hand in help. I sheath my weapon and look to Yagari-sensei. "Who exactly are you?" I demand, exasperated with the mystery man.

"When Zero was training to be a vampire hunter, I was his Sansei." Zero starts walking away. "Isn't that right, Zero?" He stopsstops.

"It's true." Zero confirms, and Yuki looks away.

"So you two are the adopted daughters of that dimwit." Sensei deadpans. He looks at Yuki, "You were about to be bit by, Zero, yet you consider me as your enemy?" he questions in his deep and emotionless voice.

There's a few moments of silence before the Headmaster breaks it. "I'll take over from here. Yuki: you and Oribia head to your dorms." I nod, and let Yuki go ahead.

"Uncle?" I ask Headmaster.

"Yes, Oribia?" he asks surprisingly still calm.

"Is it ok if I go into town tomorrow to pick something up for Kagome?" I ask with a pleading voice. He smiles at me and ruffles my hair approvingly.

"Of course, my dear niece." I hug him and run off.


'I wish I could help Zero. But what can I do besides make him crave more blood?'

I sink lower in the tub. The thoughts taking their toll on me, making my head spin.

'I'm always getting hurt, always bleeding, always making Zero struggle more then he already is. Why am I so horrible?'

I sigh, but it comes out as bubbles since I'm in the water. I dive my head fully under the water to try and relax more.

'I wonder if there is a sweets shop and/or ramen shop near where I have to go tomorrow? I could get Yuki and Zero a gift? Yeah. That sounds like a nice idea.'

I pop out of the water gasping for breath, just now remembering I was fully submerged in the water.

I get out of the bath after a thorough scrubbing, trying to scrap the stress out of my alabaster skin. Water dripping off the ends of my mid-back length, orange hair. I tied a towel around my scrawny 5'5 frame.

Once dry, I dress into a black and blue night gown, with navy blue boy shorts underneath. I braid my hair to the side before I exit the room. After urning off the lights and closing the door gently, I make trek back to my room.

I made my way down the hall, but slowing a bit when I feel a presence. It's strange. I look over my shoulder and see nothing but a dark hallway, with moon light beaming in from the windows.

I go to look out a window, gazing out at the lawn just to see nothing out of place. I turn my gaze to the full moon, and a small smile graces my lips as I remember a clip from my past.


"Mommy? What's the circle in the sky?" a child of four years old asks her mother, while pointing to the moon. The beautiful mother, holding the girl's sleeping older twin sister, replies in her melodic voice,

"That is the moon, darling, it is sisters with the sun. You both have a lot in common actually:
The moon is very beautiful, just like her sister. but you mustn't look at either of them for too long, or you will be blinded by her beauty." The girl looks to the moon again and smiles brightly.

"I think you're more beautiful, mommy!" the child giggles. The mother smiles down at her innocent baby. She reaches to her child and places her hand in the girls auburn hair, making the girl look up at the mother, curiosity flooding her soft turquoise eyes. "Mommy?"

The mother giggles and pulls her into a loving embrace. "I love you always, my little Moon." the mother whispers, "I'll never be able to match your cosmic beauty." the mother then picks her child up and carries her inside, so she, and her twin, may rest their growing body's.


I wish I knew more about my past. I want to know what that memory was about, and who that woman I called mother was.

I look away from the moon and turn to leave. The mystery man that always appears was standing beside me. I stumble back in surprise. "What the hell?" I stutter. He turns to me with an emotionless look.

"Your mother was a beautiful woman. I loved her so much, we were even supposed to be wed. But, she fell for your father instead." I give him a sad look.

"I'm sorry to hear. But life works in mysterious ways: we can't change what was meant to be." I start walking away. "We're not gods..." I hear a distant chuckle as I ventured further, almost reaching my shared dorm room.


I woke up quite early today, so I made Uncle, Zero, and Yuki, some pancakes. I left syrup, some butter, and a note on the table

"(5:50 am)
Dear family,

I woke up earlier then usual, so I made you pancakes for breakfast; they are in the oven!
I have also done my chores, fed my cat, did my homework, and called in sick today ;)

I've left to the market to run some errands, be back soon! (And don't worry, I brought Nyx along for a bit of protection.)

Love, Oribia.


I sincerely hope you enjoyed this chapter ^u^

Good day.

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