Chapter Eight

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We're standing in the headmasters office. The headmaster hands me and Yuki a bracelet, I put mine on and Yuki does the same. The headmaster then hands Zero a blade, and Zero cuts his hand and drips some blood on our bracelets. I nod my head at them, 'I will protect him. I will be his Allie.' I promise myself.

"This is an ancient spell. A method that the vampire hunters have been using for a long time, for containment of newly vampires. the bracelet that I gave to Yuki and Oribia works in conjunction with this crest." I then put my wrist to Zero's neck, as instructed. All of a sudden this bright red light flashed and I turned my head a little and closed my eyes. I look back to see Zero on the floor pined down by some sort of blades.

I look at him in awe. I put a hand over my mouth to try and keep my laughing at bay. But I end up laughing my head off, anyway.

Yuki gives me a look and smacks my head, "Be nice, Oribia!" My laugh reduces to silent giggles. Then she looks back at Zero, "I'm sorry Zero!" she whines guiltily.

The head master just smiles and chimes, "Oh, he's perfectly fine! We've simply immobilized him for a little bit, that's all." headmaster looked to the side at us, "Yuki and Oribia: if Zero ever tries to bite anyone ever again, please use those bracelet's to stop him." Yuki looks at her bracelet, and I just nod "Kaname had agreed to let Zero stay in the Day Class, but only on that condition." Yuki looked surprised,

"Kaname said that?" I was debating wither to give a sarcastic comeback to that or not. My mind wanted the first, but I choose the latter.

"Since his dearest Yuki, and Oribia, made the request, Kaname just couldn't say no." Yuki looks spaced out. Headmaster crouches down to Zero, "Im sorry. I never wanted to use this method on you at all. Just try and make dew with this." then he pulls out a blood tablet box and shows him. "And if you still crave the taste of blood..." I try and stifle a luagh as Headmaster pulls down his shirt to expose his neck, "Feel free to help yourself!" Zero had a big irk mark twitching on his head, then he punched the headmaster.

"Oh my god..." I burst out in sheer amusement "I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it in!" I fall to my knees laughing. I grab my sides in pain. Zero walks up to me and clonks me on the head. "Ouch! alright, alright I'll stop..." I chuckle once more and then stand up. Zero walks to the door and I feel a little guilt. Yuki shouts to Zero.

"Zero! wait... uhh... umm—"

"Yuki, it's alright; this is.... just fine." Zero interrupts Yuki, then he walks away.

"Wait, Zero!" I go after him and try to catch his arm. "What's wrong, Zero?" That was a dumb question, but hey.

"Nothing... Leave me alone." he pulled his arm out of my grasp and walked away.

I just stood there shocked, 'he sounded so cold towards me just then...' I felt someone's presence behind me. I whip around,

"Oh... it's you." I say with the upmost despise in my voice. He puts mock pain on his face and smirks sadisticly. "What is it that you want?"

"Awe, why so mean, Ori-chan? I just wanted to say hello to my lonesome princess." I roll my eyes. This guy was far too flirtatious, and far too loathsome.

"What do you really want?" I demand.

"If you're going to be rude, I won't tell you." he teases. This irks me.

"Fine... can you please tell me what you want?" I say with as much niceness as possible. Which is hard to do when he opens his mouth.

You see, this guy keeps popping up at times: he appears to me when I am left alone, he also shows up in the shadows of my dreams, always making promises of "wedding his long lost bride". He never tells me his name, he always says, "All in due time, my dear" or something along those lines.

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