Chapter Nine

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"I'm digging in!" Yuki shouts before taking a bite of the sweet, tasty, frozen desert she ordered—but Zero just had to open his bitch-ass mouth.

"I wanted Ramen." I face palm as Yuki literally turns into a depressed statue for a couple seconds, then she shakes it off and eats her delectable treat.

"Hey, Zero, leave our little Yu-chan alone!" I pout, side hugging Yuki in a protective manner. "I'll tell you what: you and I both can go get a bowl of Ramen a different day, yeah?" I give him a reassuring smile, letting Yuki go so she could eat her prize.

"Thank you Ori-chan!" Yuki beamed. "Maybe Zero will be less of a grump when he gets that Ramen?" Yuki teases.

"Maybe, short stuff. Maybe." I join in the teasing. I could feel Zero glaring at both Yuki and I. Yuki looked mortified at the look. "Hey, she's just kidding—we're just kidding, Zero." I assure him. Yuki begins to ramble on to try and create a happier atmosphere. But she makes it worse with the last question.

"Hey, Zero, by the way: our new Sensei... do you know him?" Zero looked pained before he turned his head away from us.

"It's okay, Zero. You don't have to answer that..." I state while nudging Yuki's arm. She looks at me, then she got the hint.

"I'm sorry, Zero. You don't have to answer. He just comes across kind of scary." She nervously stutters a bit.

I smirk, "He seems pretty cool to me. Maybe just a little intimidating, but hey, don't judge a book by its cover."

"He's not. When you get to know him, he's actually—"Zero gets cut off by some enthusiastic waitress.

"Excuse me: are you from the Cross Academy Night Class?" She smiles widely "You are! I knew it immediately; you don't look like everybody else does." She exclaimed before Zero could say anything back—before anyone could.

I just look at her with a deadpan look, "Neither do you." I mutter bitterly. Yuki elbowed me.

"Yeah, actually, you see—" Yuki gets cut off by the vexing waitress.

"The elite class aren't like everyone else"

'Damn this girl is pissing me off! She needs to stop interrupting people!' I think angrily to myself.

"Hold on—" I try and help out with irritating woman. But she nevertheless persists.

"There is someone named Aido in the Night Class right?" Zero starts to get up "He likes sweets, and he comes in here sometimes—" Zero finally cuts her off this time.

"I'm leaving." Zero simply states, and walks out the door.

"Uhh... okay?" Yuki ponders what to do, while I just feel pissed, and sad, at the same time: sad because the insensitive waitress just compared Zero to the people he hates, and pissed because this girl doesn't know when to let others speak. She created a whole background, basically, for where Zero came from.

I get up and start to leave, but before I do I turn to the ill-mannered girl, "I have one thing to say to you. I've been holding it in, but you've ticked me off now: oh, I'm so sorry, did the middle of our sentences interrupt the beginning of yours?" and with that, I left. I looked for Zero, but I couldn't see him anywhere. Yuki came out of the shop and saw the bags on the ground as well.

"Zero!?" she ran in the direction she thought Zero went. I ran as fast as I could, trying to catch up with her, but the towns people were out and about, and I lost Yuki in the bustling crowd.

"Damn it!" I shove people out of the way until I find myself walking the alleyways. "Damn it Yuki, Zero, and even you life! You all sick right now!" I shout to the world. I get so lost in my mental, and physical, cursing, that I trip on the shoe laces of my high-tops.

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