(part 1) There and back again

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----Oribia's POV----

The feel of a body colliding with mine. That is what I woke to. And that is why I am on the floor having a mini heart attack. "I. Will. Kill. You. For. This... KAGOME!!" I shout as I leap towards, Kagome, with my hands ready to wring her pretty little neck. She chuckles in dismay, as she runs out the door, and down the hall.

"I'm sorry, Ri-chan~!" She yips as I am about to tackle her down, but the sly fox rounds a corner, and laughs when I trip over nothing. I act like I'm wounded and need help, so she thinks its safe. I lay there a minute, and she shufles to me nervously, "R-Ri-chan~? A-are you okay?" She asks hesitantly taping my shoulder. I smirk, I got her now~

I make a move to jump on her, but she knew what I was about to do, so she ran off. I grunted, annoyed, and a little excited, and got up to chase her. I see her running for the stairs, so I run faster, in order to catch her before she goes down stairs; I'm clumsy when I run down stairs. I thought I had her, when she turned to the left and doged my tackle. "RI-CHAN! LOOK OUT!" I herd, Kagome, scream.

I gasped in horror as I faced the stairs, I squeaked in preparation for the pain that follows from this fall, but, I felt something pull me back to solid ground. I gasped in pure shock at how all 206 bones are still all in one piece. The "something" that recued me, wraped its arms around me, protectively. And thats when the "something" registered as a "someone".

"Tch. Be more careful... Baka." A familiar voice said, worriedly, and angrily. I recognized the voice as, Zero's, and I got happy, yet sad and angry; I'm still upset about yesterday, but happy he saved me just now. Still shaken up from the near death experience, I turn around and hug Zero tight.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered into his chest. He froze. "I'm sorry, Zero." I sobbed into his chest, "I didn't mean to be so rude, and angry yesterday! I was just so worried, and scared..." I hug him a little closer, and he relaxed a little bit into my sudden hug.

"I-Its okay, Oribia... I overreacted, too." He replied.

-------Zero's POV-------

When she just whipped around and hugged me so sudden, it caught me off guard, and I tensed up. A tinge of pink dusted my cheeks when she baried her head into my chest. "I'm sorry..." I herd her whisper. My eyes widened a little, 'Why was she apologizing? I was the one being an ass!' "I'm sorry, Zero!" She sobbed out, "I didn't mean to be rude, and mean yesterday! I was just so worried, and scared..." I blushed red when she pulled me closer.

'How can she be so... Benevolent?' I thought, as I huged her back. I smoothed her soft orange-blonde hair down, in a soothing manner. "I-its okay, Oribia... I over reacted, too." I leaned my head down on hers. 'She smells nice... too nice...' I pushed her away "By the way, you're bleeding... Baka" I whispered, as I walked away quickly.

'Tch, dammit!'

-------Oribia's POV-------

I was so comfortable with, Zero. This is probably why I was so clingy to him when I was a small child; because he made me feel safe. I stumbled a bit when he pushed me back. I look up at Zero "By the way, you're bleeding... Baka." I herd him say lowly, as he walked away quickly, holding his neck. He must be hungry because of me... I'm so sorry Zero! I thought guilty. I sigh and turn towards where Kagome stood, and replaced my frown with a smile. Kagome flinched back in fear of my evil aura that is growing.

"Hehe~ I'll kill you later! Right now I need a bandage for this wound," I gestured to my knee, "its kind of bleeding profusely."

"O-okay, Ri-chan..." She piped up, turning in the direction of the nurse's office. I looked back one last time, frown present on my face

'I'm sorry, Zero...'

-------time skip. Because I said so B) -------

After I bandage my wound, Kagome and I walk to class. Kagome has been giving me little suspicious looks the whole way; thinking I'm going to pounce on her. I fake a move at her every once and a while, just to psyc her out. It's safe to say: it was hilarious! But after a while I stopped, and she was relieved for that, and I was bored again.

"So... You and, Zero, huh?" She said, nuging my arm with her elbow, and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I froze up, and triped over my feet. I started blushing, while face planting the floor boards. I stood up and started walking again, like nothing happened.

"W-what are you saying?" I shook my head and gave her a dumbfounded look. She just giggled at me and rolled her dark green eyes. "You two make it soooooo obvious!" She exclaimed hastily. I pretend she didn't exist for a while, then she grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to look at her, and...

"Why are you giving me your kicked dog look for? What did I do now?!" I asked annoyed, and a little panicked. She brought tears to her eyes dramatically, and looked to the side,

"You're leaving me for him... Aren't you?" She asked with disquiet in her words. I looked at her in shock. 'What the hell? What is she talking about?!' I thought to myself, confused as all hell.

"No- I'm not leaving you! Wha- don't cry! We were not even together in the first place, Ko-chan!" I exclaim in exasperation. She was tearing up more and more as I tried to speak! But now she looks at me with shiny eyes from all the tears she had built up.

"Reeeeeeeeally~?" She sing-songs, grabbing my small hands into her own, then She holds out a pinky finger, "pinky promise?" She asks, in that sweet, demanding tone. I sighed, and pinky promised the childish girl. "Yippie!! Let's head to class now, shall we?" I smiled in content at those words.

"Yes, let's." She gave me her trademark smirk, and linked arms with me. I giggled at her charismatic aura.

"There and back again, an unexpected journey!" I gave her a baffled look. She gives me a side glance, and a devilish smirk.

"You finished The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings already?!" She nodded. I snorted in disbelief, no way she could have in a week! "Okay then... What was Sauron's original name?" I quiz, Kagome.

She 'pshed' and gave me a "bitch please" look. "Easy, Mairon. It was changed when he joined Melkor. However, during the Second Age Sauron continued to call himself Tar-Mairon" I nodded in approval.

"What drove the dwarves out of Erebor?" I smirked, knowing shed have to had read it to know this (because she could have just read the Silmarillion to get the info on Sauron.)

"Their extensive need for riches attracted a dragon by the name of, Smaug, and lost Erebor due to it." She grinned triumphantly as she skips into class. 'Okay then... She did read it, I guess.' I chuckle with pride; knowing I've created a monster!



I was on hiatus for a looooong ass time! I was just so busy (with stuff, and thangs. Like watching The Hobbit and LotR trilogies twice) and I kind of... um... kind of... forgot about my books!! >//~//< I'm sowwy guys!!

Can you forgive, an adorable little demon like me? •//^//• pwitty pwease?

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